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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s security arrangements talks delayed for 24 hours

November 17, 2015 (KHARTOUM) -The government negotiating team for the security talks with the rebel groups said that talks have been delayed to Thursday.

AUHIP chief Thabo Mbeki talks to the press flanked from his left by Yasir Arman and Ibrahim Ghandour on 17 November 2014 (Photo courtesy of AUHIP)
AUHIP chief Thabo Mbeki talks to the press flanked from his left by Yasir Arman and Ibrahim Ghandour on 17 November 2014 (Photo courtesy of AUHIP)
Separate talks on security arrangements between the Sudanese government and the armed opposition groups in Blue Nile and South Kordofan states and Darfur region were originally scheduled to be held on 18 to 19 November in Addis Ababa under the auspices of the African Union (AU).

A well-informed government source told Sudan Tribune that the talks with rebel groups have been rescheduled to Thursday for administrative reasons pertaining to the AU.

He said the government negotiating team saw a slight change by naming the presidential aide Ibrahim Mahmoud head of the negotiating team with the rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/North (SPLM-N) on the Two Areas instead of the former chief negotiator Ibrahim Ghandour.

While Amin Hassan Omer, the head of Darfur peace implementation office, will lead the government delegation for security talks with the rebel groups in Darfur region.

According to the source, women would be represented in the government team by Khalda Abu al-Ila from the Blue Nile state.

He stressed that negotiations with the SPLM-N on the Two Areas would discuss the cessation of hostilities besides the power and wealth sharing arrangements.

the Sudanese official pointed that Omer is carrying a message from President Omer Hassan al-Bashir giving the necessary guarantees for the western Sudan rebel leaders to participate in the dialogue conference in Khartoum.

An AU official on Monday stressed that all Darfur movements and the Sudan SPLM-M have named their negotiating teams except the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM-AW) led by Abdel-Wahid al-Nur.

The government spokesperson Ahmed Bilal Osman had earlier said that a dialogue preparatory meeting including the government, rebel umbrella Sudan Revolutionary Forces (SRF) and the National Umma Party (NUP) would be held subsequently if the government and the rebels reached an agreement on the cessation of hostilities.


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