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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudanese president urges warm reception for SPLM/IO advance team

November 18, 2018 (JUBA) – The South Sudanese president Salva Kiir has directed that advance team of the country’s armed opposition faction (SPLM/IO) be accorded warm reception on the interest of peace and stability when they come to the capital, Juba.

President Salva Kiir addresses the nation from the State House on September 15, 2015, in Juba (Photo AFP/Charles Atiki Lomodong)
President Salva Kiir addresses the nation from the State House on September 15, 2015, in Juba (Photo AFP/Charles Atiki Lomodong)
“I appeal to all of you to welcome your brothers, your sisters, your sons and your daughters as they come back home,” Kiir told Parliamentarians on Wednesday.

He called for the opening of a new political page thats ignores the past for a better future.

“We welcome them with open hearts, reconcile, forgive each other, forget the past, open new pages, create trust, build confidence among yourselves and live in peace and harmony”, said the South Sudanese leader.

President Kiir said there were more things which unite people than those which divide them.

“To end this, I would like you, my people, to note that we have more things that unite us than those that divide us. Let us unite our ranks for the overall interest of our people and that of the nation”, he said.

The South Sudanese leader said his government was preparing to receive the advance of the opposition and members of the former detainees despite reports of attacks said to have taken place in the states of Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity over the last three days. The three regions which been plunged in deadly attacks between government soldiers and fighters from the armed opposition forces since when violence broke out in mid-December 2013.

“We must more bloodshed and destruction in our country”, he said, adding that citizens were moally obligated to do the right things instead of opting to continue to do immoral activities and killings instead of embracing what contributes to growth and prosperity.

“I believe we are all morally and lawfully obligated to do the right things to our people instead of causing them harm and suffering with this agreement, we must redouble our efforts to put the country back to normalcy as soon as possible and deliver services to the people. This is what our people want from us and we must be ready and committed fully to meet their expectations”, the president further told members of the assembly.

Last week, the first vice-president designate Riek Machar vowed not to take part in the coming summit of regional leaders, citing lack of a suitable atmosphere, Juba’s refusal to receive his advance team and President Kiir’s decision on creation of 28 new states.


Meanwhile President Kiir has instructed the minister of finance and Central Bank governor to realign the foreign exchange rates between the official and parallel ones.

“Peace is coming at the time when our country was hit hard and shocked by the economic crisis,” said Kiir, a week after his office announced postponement of the speech.

“Today our only oil production is in Upper Nile State which is producing approximately 165,000 barrels per day and yet we continue to pay the Republic of Sudan what is known the Sudan Transitional Financial Assistance (TFA) in accordance with the provision of the cooperation agreement 2012,” added the South Sudanese leader.

To address these challenges, Kiir said, there is need to invest in road construction and agriculture.

“I have instructed the minister of finance together with the governor of the Bank of South Sudan to study and recommend how best we can realign the exchange regime to cope with the current physical and monetary challenges the country is undergoing,” he said.

Currently, South Sudan government sells one dollar at 2.96 SSP to commercial banks which in turn sell to the public at 3.16 SSP per dollar. However, the exchange rate in the black markets is 18 SSP per dollar. President Kiir said these issues should be addressed.

“This realignment is necessary and I have been always wondering when I see so many umbrellas in the market here on the streets. The umbrellas have turned to become the forexes of exchange and they have become the black market forexes. I wonder when I see somebody with no good cloth and possessing a lot of dollars. Where do they get these dollars from?,” he said, drawing laughers from lawmakers and those in attendance.


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