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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

JEM POWs in Kober Prison await for death penalty

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman

The Kober prison administration in Khartoum transferred in the morning of Monday 21 December 2015 a number of Prisoners Of War (POWs) affiliated to the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) from the prison to the death cells in preparation for the implementation of the death penalty..

The list below is the names of the victims:
1. Sadiq Abbaker Yahya Issa
2. Abul Gasim Abdullah Abu Bakr Gony
3. Hamad Adam Hassaballa Adam
4. Adam al-Tom Adam tiyah
5. Abdelrazag Daoud Abdullah
6-Ibrahim Sharif Yousef Abdul Khaliq
7-Hassan Ishag Abdullah Mohammadain

The JEM Warns the officials and the prison authorities and the prison administration to Not to proceed with the implementation of such heinous crime against prisoners of war and prisoners of conscience and calls on the rights organizations concerned to follow this move and to Follow-up and addressed it urgently.

Thus, the genocidal criminal government of the (NCP) decided on the morning of Monday, December 21 2015, of transferring seven prisoners of war (POWs) belonging to the rebel Sudanese Movement for Justice and Equality (JEM) to the execution dungeons in the notorious Kober Prison in Khartoum North.

Tribute to prisoners of war (POWs) who have been sentenced to death by the Kangaroo Courts of the genocidal criminal fugitive from the International Justice, Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir. The seven (POWs) belonging to the Justice and Equality Movement(JEM) are heroes and they represent as rare symbols and withstand noble sacrifice for the sake of the legitimate rights that have been denied the Sudanese people in Darfur. The death sentence issued against them from the Inquisition court of the ruling regime of the NCP is a blatant violation of the charters of the United Nations Organization (UN) and against the Global Humanitarian Law.

Execution of (POWs) by the Ruling regime of the (NCP) is deplorable and we call on all world governments and humanitarian organizations to condemn the death sentence for prisoners of war and put pressure on the head of the ruling regime of the National Congress Party (NCP), Omer al-Bashir to stop the implementation of this heinous crime of lynching.

We add our voices to all the political forces, civil society organizations, national and international organizations concerned with humanitarian affairs and human rights to put pressure on the Government of the (NCP) to release the (POWs) on the Death Row and all prisoners of wars incarcerated in the jail cells waiting for lynching by the regime of the (NCP).

Sudan which its people cherished and proud about over decades has been devastated since the ill-fated coming of the putschist regime of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM) led by the genocidal criminal fugitive from the international justice Omer Hassan Ahmed Bashir on the night of Friday 30 June 1989. They claimed and codenamed their Islamization project as ‘Civilizational project and apostolic orientation’. However, those slogans of the day by the MBM entity soon turned out over the past twenty six lean years of their oppressive rule as vacuous at best and hypocritical at worst. Unfortunately, our beloved homeland has reached a tipping point to the worse. It is now twenty-six lean years of the irksome running saga of the tyranny and oppression of the elusive Omar al-Bashir who is renowned for reneging and canceling the peace agreements signed with the parties. The people of the Sudan do not accept any further of the absurd so-called ‘Wathba Dialogues in Addis Ababa. Toppling and removing the NCP regime and hold accountable the genocidal criminal Omer al-Bashir and his entourage of criminals and isolating them along with establishing the long awaited free democratic citizenship state of Sudan where every Sudanese irrespective of ethnicity, gender, age, colour, faith, political or regional affiliation, have the equal rights and duties of citizenship. Attaining Sustainable Peace and stopping the civil wars of attrition waged by the NIF/NCP entities using the proxy militias and mercenaries, as a priority.

As the saying goes that, the State of injustice hours and the state of Justice and rights is forever. However, the statement that Nothing Brings Sustainable Peace in Darfur but the Demise of the NCP Regime, remains true. The genocidal criminal Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir tried over the years shielding himself from the International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest by clinging firmly to power by all means regardless of the consequence of complete destruction of the remaining Sudan and its people.

The slogan of the disenfranchised people of Sudan at the present time is: leave.. Leave O Génocidaure Omer al- Bashir to The Hague, where the (ICC) i housed to have the International Justice that you have evaded and remained fugitive for so long. The genocidal criminal Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir tried over the years shielding himself from the International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest by clinging firmly to power by all means regardless of the consequence of complete destruction of the remaining Sudan and its people. Nothing New for the Executions outside the law for prisoners of war (POWs) during the totalitarian putschist regime of the (NCP) led by the genocidal criminal and fugitive from international justice ,Omar Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir. It is Noteworthy that Omar al-Bashir and his mercenaries and his Janjaweed militias have committed the crime of genocide for more than three hundred thousand of the defenseless noncombatant civilian population in the Darfur region in 2004. The testimony of the heinous crimes was given by the people of the world globally at the time.

Ida B. Wells or Ida Bell Wells-Barnett, more commonly known as Ida B. Wells, was an African-American journalist, newspaper editor, suffragist, sociologist, Georgist, and an early leader in the Civil Rights Movement is quoted as saying (Our country’s national crime is lynching. It is not the creature of an hour, the sudden outburst of uncontrolled fury, or the unspeakable brutality of an insane mob.)

Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/

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