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Sudan Tribune

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Kiir appoints new SPLM-IO members to South Sudan parliament

January 7, 2016 (JUBA) – South Sudanese president, Salva Kiir, has issued a republican decree appointing to the would-be transitional parliament 50 additional members of the armed opposition faction of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM-IO) under the leadership of former vice-president, Riek Machar.

Members of SPLM-IO advance team boarding a plane to Juba from Gambella Airport, Ethiopia, December 18, 2015 (ST Photo)
Members of SPLM-IO advance team boarding a plane to Juba from Gambella Airport, Ethiopia, December 18, 2015 (ST Photo)
In the decree read out on Thursday evening on the state-run South Sudan Television (SSTV), President Kiir appointed the members in implementation of the power sharing agreement provided for in the peace deal he signed in August with his rival, Machar.

“In exercise of the powers conferred upon me under Article 11.1, Chapter 1 of the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan, I, Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Republic of South Sudan, do hereby issue this Republic Decree [No.06/2016] for the appointment of Fifty (50) SPLM/SPLA (IO) Members to the Transitional National Legislative Assembly as hereunder:”, partly reads the decree.

According to the peace agreement, previously elected members of the national parliament, who were removed after eruption of 2013 war for joining the opposition faction, will also be reinstated in the parliament, topping up the new 50 and will increase the number of the lawmakers from the SPLM-IO.

The list of the additional 50 members selected from the 10 states of the country in Pagak, general headquarters of the SPLM-IO, was earlier composed by the chairman and commander-in-chief of the SPLM-IO, Machar, and submitted to the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC), which presented it to president Kiir for action.

The names of the new 50 MPs are as follows:
1. Mohammed El-Haj Baballa

2. Losuba Ludoru Wango

3. Lilian Richard Lako

4. Panuel Dumo Logiron

5. Oyet Nathaniel Pierino

6. Emmilio William Odinga

7. Ukuni Michael Paulion

8. Marko Lokidor Lochapio

9. Mary Alfonse Lodira

10. Paris Nyanuba Chatim

11. James Yiel Yoah Nhial

12. Mary Jok Bukjok

13. Gege Morris Konyi

14. Christopher Gawar Thichot

15. Manoa Peter Gatkuoth

16. Dr. Deng Alier Kuol

17. Gordon Deng Lam

18. Agok Makur Kur

19. Susan Peter Machar

20. John Clement Kuc

21. Angok Arthur Akwin

22. Ayii Ayii Akol

23. Unguach Jonkor Unguach

24. Dr. James Mabor Gatkuoth

25. Rebecca Kur Nyikay

26. Peter Nhial Koch

27. Theji Da-Dut Deng

28. Farouk Gatkuoth Kam

29. Anna Samuel Pam

30. Peter Kuol Thian

31. Jackline Joel Jago

32. Puot Kang Chuol

33. Abduldaim Deng Machar

34. Daud Juma Asko

35. Gabriel Thokuj Deng

36. Mohamed Chuom Aliny

37. Nyabel Simon Thach

38. Thokhat Kor Wieu

39. Nyaduer Girwath Jok

40. Yolanda Awel Deng

41. Matuany Muorwel Matuany

42. Manasseh Zindo

43. Agrey Idris Ezbon

44. Adel Elia Sandrai

45. Costa Achilla Falanguru

46. Gloria Jacob Zamoi

47. Ufindi Ndima Fibel

48. Dahia Ahmed Darhael-Dor

49. Asuma Nicola Dima

50. Simon Udom Ayii

Other political parties will submit 17 names and 1 from the former detainees to the transitional parliament, according to the peace agreement.

The reconstituted transitional parliament will sit for the first time and endorse the transitional constitution which currently being amended and redrafted by the committee from the parties to the peace agreement.

President Kiir is also expected to issue another republic decree appointing Riek Machar as first vice-president so that the two leaders can form a transitional government of national unity in Juba based on their respective quotas which they selected on Thursday, totalling 30 national ministers.


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