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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan announces date for Darfur referendum

January 13, 2016 (KHARTOUM) – A referendum on Darfur administrative status will be held on 11 April where only the region’s residents will take part in the vote.

A policeman watches out as a polling staff waits for voters at polling station at Abu Shouk IDP's camp in Al Fasher, northern Darfur April 14, 2010 (Reuters)
A policeman watches out as a polling staff waits for voters at polling station at Abu Shouk IDP’s camp in Al Fasher, northern Darfur April 14, 2010 (Reuters)
The Darfur referendum commission announced Tuesday that the residents of the region will vote during three days from 11 to 13 April on whether or not the region will keep its five states or reunite as one entity with a semi-autonomous administration.

The head of Darfur Referendum Commission Omer Ali Jamaa told reporter that the government is determined to hold the plebiscite, saying the referendum is a requirement of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) of July 2011.

Jamaa said that after the issuance of the presidential decree to conduct the referendum in November 2015, the commission has began the preparations, set the time-table, and the regulation, and established committees. It further decided to establish 1400 voting stations in the 63 counties of Darfur five states.

Many in Darfur region called to postpone the referendum for different reasons but the Sudanese government said it has to honour the DDPD.
A member of the referendum technical committee police general Adam Dalil said the registration of voters will begin on 8 February and lasts for 15 day.

He stressed only those who reside in the region three months before the process are eligible to participate in the vote because it is an administrative referendum.

He added that the result of the vote will be released one month after the end of the process.

If Darfurians approve the establishment of a single region in Darfur, a constitutional committee will be formed to determine the competencies of the Regional Government of Darfur. Once endorsed by the DRA and the national parliament, the regional constitution will be incorporated in the Sudanese constitution.


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