Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Jonglei sold tractors without legal documents

February 18, 2016 (BOR) – Farmers’ groups in South Sudan’s Jonglei state who bought tractors have demanded legal documents that would grant them legal ownership of the tractors bought from the state ministry of agriculture and forestry.

Jonglei's minister of agriculture and forestry, Mayen Ngor, pictured with a number of tractors which have been supplied as part of a youth farming initiative (ST)
Jonglei’s minister of agriculture and forestry, Mayen Ngor, pictured with a number of tractors which have been supplied as part of a youth farming initiative (ST)
In 2014, Jonglei’s agriculture and forestry ministry sold eight tractors on loan to organised famer cooperative associations in the state.

Three groups have confirmed they received a total of three tractors they bought on monthly instalment from the agriculture ministry, but without proper documentations.

Some groups had already cleared the required amount of SSP150,000. Howvever, for those groups that did not complete the loan, the last payment would made in 2017.

Now farmers needed proper documents that would allow them to use their tractors without interference.

“We have already taken the tractors. But the ministry of agriculture did not signed the documents,” he said.

The director general in the ministry of agriculture and forestry, Atem Gak confirmed that farmers’ groups will complete term of payment by 2017.

According to Atem, the tractors were despatched to Jonglei state in 2014 by the ministry of cooperative, through ministry of agriculture to be sold to organised farmer groups.

“When these tractors were brought, the ministry of agriculture selected eight farmer groups that were legally recognised in the state, but one group withdrew”, said Atem.

Atem added that the state agriculture ministry is yet preparing the legal documents to be signed by the ministry of justice before submitted to the farmers’ groups.


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