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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM-N accuses Sudanese army of indiscriminate bombardments in S. Kordofan

April 10, 2016 (KHARTOUM) – The spokesperson of the Sudan people’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) Sunday has accused the Sudan Air Force of bombarding areas inhabited by civilian population in South Kordofan.

SPLA chief of general staff Gen. Gagod Mukwar (L) during his inspection tour in South Kordofan in undated picture extended by SPLM-N on November 29, 2015
SPLA chief of general staff Gen. Gagod Mukwar (L) during his inspection tour in South Kordofan in undated picture extended by SPLM-N on November 29, 2015
Arnu Ngulutu Lodi in a statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Sunday evening said that Mig and Antonov warplanes on Saturday carried out indiscriminate bombardments on um Serdiba area in Um Dorain county.

“A Mig jet fighter dropped three bombs while an Antonov dropped six barrel high explosive bombs into residential area,” Lodi said.

He added that the air strike terrorized the civilians, and destructed their properties.

The Um Serdiba area witnessed recently fierce fighting between the two parties. Lodi in a recent statement reported that they had ambushed a mobile Sudanese military convoy west of Um Serdiba on Thursday 7 April.

In a separate statement, the rebel spokesperson said the SPLA-N forces in Abasia/Rashad sector in South Kordofan ” successfully ambushed NCP forces on the road between Shamshaka and Karnak in Rashad County on 9/4/016 at 6;30 am (local time)”.

He said they killed eight Sudanese soldiers, and destroyed one Land-Cruiser pickup loaded with fuel.

The headquarters of the Sudanese army in Khartoum often decline to comment on the ongoing fighting in the Two Areas. Also reporters are denied access to war areas.

Commander of the 14th infantry division in the capital of South Kordofan, Kadougli, Maj. Gen Yasir al-Atta Sunday told the semi-official SMC that the government troops “progress steadily on all the sectors”.

Atta further accused the Sudanese rebel of preventing the civilians from leaving the conflict zones and “using them as human shields”.

Last March, the Sudanese army said its troops captured Um Serdiba, “the main rebel stronghold in Kadugli sector”, and Musharaka area. Al-Maradis, El Lipo, Kutna, Ugab, Karkakaia, and El-Biri.

But the SPLM-N claimed they repulsed the attacks.


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