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Sudan Tribune

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Detained SPLM-IO journalists accused of possessing guns

April 15, 2016 (JUBA) – The detained team of media and artists of the armed opposition faction led by former vice president, Riek Machar, have been accused by the South Sudanese presidency of allegedly possessing guns when they were arrested on Tuesday in the national capital, Juba.

A batch of the SPLA-IO forces after arrival in Juba, 1 April, 2016 (ST Photo)
A batch of the SPLA-IO forces after arrival in Juba, 1 April, 2016 (ST Photo)
The officials were however released on Friday after four days in detention under the custody of the country’s National Security Service (NSS).

The 18-member officials were arrested, tortured and detained when they were moving, crisscrossing Juba, announcing the arrival of the SPLM-IO’s deputy chairman, Alfred Lado Gore, and urging people to turn up for his reception.

Earlier, Ateny Wek Ateny, presidential spokesman, said the South Sudan’s national security service, which reports directly to President Salva Kiir, would hand over the 18 suspects to police later on Friday for further investigation and produce them in court.

“The people were carrying guns to the airport without declaring them. Their intentions are not known,” said Ateny when contacted on Friday.

Also a local daily English language newspaper, The Dawn, claimed in its front page story that the SPLM-IO “journalists” wanted to blow up Juba International Airport using pistols.

Citing unnamed security officials, the newspaper further claimed that the arrested suspects are not journalists as claimed by the armed opposition faction but “individuals impersonating journalist.”

When contacted to comment to this allegation, an SPLM-IO spokesman for the advance team in Juba said the accusations are not true.

“The SPLM-IO demands unconditional and urgent release of the journalists without further delay. Their detention is not good at a time we are implementing the peace agreement,” said William Ezekiel when contacted for comment on Friday, adding that two other officials of the opposition are under detention in Wau and demanded their release as well.

The SPLM-IO said their members arrested in Juba were journalists mobilizing people through loudspeaker to turn up in large numbers to receive their deputy chairman, Gore.

The team was freed on Friday and accused the government of false accusations against them, calling on the government to respect the terms of the August 2015 peace agreement.

The presidential spokesman, Ateny, did not say why it had taken more than the 24-hour constitutional period to charge the suspects in a court of law.

Machar, the top opposition leader, is expected to arrive in Juba to take up his position as the second most powerful man in the land in accordance with the peace agreement.

He was fired by President Kiir in July 2013 and the conflict began five months later.

It is not clear if the latest twists of events in Juba, including prohibition to conduct a public rally and unconfirmed demilitarization of the capital, among others, will have a negative impact on his return to the capital on Monday.


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