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Sudan Tribune

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Sissi’s party recognizes Darfur referendum outcome

April 24, 2016 (KHATOUM) – The National Liberation and Justice Party (NLJP) led by Tijani al-Sissi has acknowledged the results of an administrative referendum in Darfur and said the process went very well and allowed the residents to vote freely and transparently.

A man casts his vote at a polling station at the Abu Shouq camp for Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) in El-Fasher, in North Darfur on April 11, 2016 (AFP Photo)
A man casts his vote at a polling station at the Abu Shouq camp for Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) in El-Fasher, in North Darfur on April 11, 2016 (AFP Photo)
In accordance with Doha Document for Peace in Darfur (DDPD) signed in July 2011, Darfur residents voted during three days (from 11-to 13 April) to determine whether they want to keep the current separate five states or re-establish one region.

On Saturday, the Darfur Referendum Commission (DRC) said that 97 per cent of the eligible voters in the referendum chose to retain the status quo states system.

The NLJP had campaigned for the single region option in Darfur.

NLJP deputy chairman Hayder Galokoma said that the minor violations that occurred during the voting process don’t detract from the integrity and validity of the referendum.

He added that “it should be accepted as part of the human nature”, demanding the implementation of the referendum results on the ground in order to serve the Darfurian society.

Galokoma further told the semi-official Sudan Media Center (SMC) that the referendum is the considered the final requirement of the DDPD.


Meanwhile, the head of the council of Darfur’s Peace Movements Adam Shogar has proposed the creation of an additional state in the area north of North Darfur state.

The official news agency (SUNA) has quoted Shogar as saying that the results of the referendum reflects the will of the Darfur residents, demanding a further increase in the number of Darfur states.

Before the referendum, the Justice and Equality Movement – Dabajo (JEM-Dabajo) said they support the maintain of the current administrative system and also called for the creation of a sixth state in Darfur.

The former rebel group said they want to a new state in North Darfur in the area inhabited by the Zaghawa ethnic group.

Shogar is a Zaghawa.

The supporters of the one region option think that a permanent regional authority will protect Darfur from the interferences of the federal government particularly with respect to the landownership.

However, the partisans of the current status say this will prevent the hegemony of dominant tribes in the region like the Fur.

The head of Darfur Regional Authority Tijani al-Sissi who is a Fur, was accused of excluding his peace partners from other tribes from the management of the region affairs during the interim period after the DDPD signing.


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