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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan’s Lol governor relocates to Nyamellel town from Raja

June 17, 2016 (JUBA) – The governor of Lol state, one of the newly created controversial 28 states in South Sudan through a presidential decree against the constitutional 10 states, has relocated to Nyamellel town in Aweil West area.

Rizik Zachariah Hassan, Governor of Lol state (UN photo)
Rizik Zachariah Hassan, Governor of Lol state (UN photo)
The move for the relocation of governor Rizik Zechariah Hassan, followed the attack in which armed men overran Raja town, the administrative headquarters of the new state, after it came under heavy gunfire on Wednesday, forcing him and his cabinet members to flee in disarray.

The state capital fell under the control of the unknown gunmen, which the government described as “bandits” and “criminals” before they withdrew in the evening of Wednesday.

In statements to Sudan Tribune, Governor Hassan, who confirmed fleeing to Khor Shamam, an area which the Sudanese rebels of the Justice and Equality Movement have been allegedly been using as one of their bases near Raja, later returned to Raja town where he met government forces who eventually assisted him to leave the area again in the same evening of Wednesday.

He was given military escorts to accompany him pass through a thick forest, following the route passing through Deimzuber and Awada areas, before crossing to Aroyo town, the administrative headquarters of Aweil south area which falls under the administrative jurisdiction of the newly created neighbouring Aweil state.

Raja, which is the state capital, according to officials accompanying the governor, was not yet safe, citing that the unknown gunmen could return any time.

Hassan reached Aweil town on Thursday where he was received by members of his government who had fled the attack earlier on Wednesday and walked to Nyamellel town which is under the jurisdiction of Raja state.

Officials close to him as well as some of his cabinet members were keen to underline that he wanted to stay in a territory under his administrative jurisdiction where he would initiate contacts with the president and other high ranking government officials and military officers in the country.

Governor Hassan, according to several of his aides, who were accompanying him, described him as having been “visibly tired and exhausted.”

Speaking in an exclusive interview on Friday, governor Hassan confirmed to Sudan Tribune that he was in Nyamellel town preparing to brief communities in the area about what transpired in Raja.

He said security situation in Raja was now calm and under control of the government forces following a military takeover of the town.

The governor described the armed men who carried out the attack in which government officials were targeted as an act of anti-government and peace. He said armed men had looted the town and displaced many civilians but were now returning to their homes after assurances from the government forces.

“The security situation is now under control. The attack which took place on Wednesday was carried out by anti-government forces but they have been repulsed. The town is now under the control of our forces. The civilians are now returning to their homes and everything will be okay. Yes, they have looted the town and broke the banks,” he said.


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