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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese female Jihadist killed in Iraq

July 8, 2016 (KHARTOUM) – A Sudanese woman Jihadist belonging to the Islamic State (ISIS) was killed in Iraq, said sources.

Rawan Kamal Zain al-Abdin
Rawan Kamal Zain al-Abdin
Expert on Islamic groups, al-Hadi Mohamed al-Amin said that 22 years old Rawan Kamal Zain al-Abdin was likely killed in an air attack in Iraq, pointing that her family set up a mourning tent in Al-Sajana neighborhood in Khartoum on Thursday.

Rawan, a third year dental student, was among the second group of medical students enrolled in the University of Medical Sciences and Technology (UMST) who flew from Khartoum to Istanbul to join ISIS in Syria and Iraq last year.

The group consisted of 12 students, including the daughter of a senior government official. 10 of the students carried British travel documents. The first group embraced 17 students at the medicine and pharmacy departments at the same university.

Rawan travelled with her husband who, according to the sources, is believed to have survived the air attack along with her baby daughter.

According to al-Amin, the number of the UMST students who joined the ISIS reached 45. Five of them have so far been killed including Rawan, Hamza Sirar Al-Hassan, Mustafa Osman Figiri, Ayman Siddeq Abdel-Aziz and Mohamed al-Mutasim al-Kanzi.

He pointed that the total number of the Sudanese fighters within ISIS is estimated at 150 Jihadists, saying that 56 of them had travelled to join the extremist organization from countries other than Sudan.

Al-Amin added that Rawan and her family are among three Sudanese families who pledged allegiance to ISIS’ leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The Ministry of Interior in Khartoum announced last year that about 70 Sudanese had gone to join the ISIS franchises, both in Libya and Syria.

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