Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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SRF-Agar vows not to participate in dialogue reproducing Khartoum regime

July 31, 2016 (KHARTOUM) – The rebel umbrella Sudanese Revolutionary Front led by Malik Agar (SRF-Agar) Sunday said it wouldn’t take part in any dialogue that preserves the current regime and doesn’t meet aspiration of the Sudanese people to establish a state based on equal citizenship rights for all Sudanese.

Members of the sudanese opposition groups meet outside the French capital Paris on November 12, 2015 (ST Photo)
Members of the sudanese opposition groups meet outside the French capital Paris on November 12, 2015 (ST Photo)
In a statement extended to Sudan Tribune on Sunday, the SRF-Agar said its political committee has received a report from the umbrella’s delegate to the Sudan Call meetings, Yasir Arman.

From 18 to 22 July, the opposition groups of the Sudan Call umbrella held crucial discussions in Paris on the African Union Roadmap Agreement and political structures of the opposition umbrella.

They tasked the leader of the National Umma Party (NUP) al-Sadiq al-Mahdi to write a letter to the chief African mediator Thabo Mbeki demanding to meet him in order to discuss their reservations on the Roadmap Agreement before its eventual signing.

On Saturday, al-Mahdi announced that Mbeki will meet the Sudan Call forces on the 7th of August in Addis Ababa.

Last March, the African Union High Implementation Panel (AUHIP) proposed a Roadmap Agreement to the Sudanese government and some Sudan Call groups including the NUP, Sudan People’s Liberation Movement North, Justice and Equality Movement, and Sudan Liberation Movement of Minni Minnawi.

However, only Khartoum government signed the text while the four groups declined the text saying it would reproduce the regime. They later proposed a supplemental text to the peace plan including their demands.

The political committee of the SRF-Agar pointed to positive developments contained in the letter that Mbeki sent to al-Mahdi, saying the chief mediator promised to take into account the Sudan Call reservations on some items of the Roadmap Agreement.

It stressed that the SRF-Agar would work alongside the Sudan Call forces to engage in an equal dialogue to be preceded by implementing measures to create the conducive climate including stopping the war, delivering humanitarian assistance to the needy population in the war areas, allowing freedoms and releasing political detainees.

The rebel alliance vowed not to participate in a dialogue that keeps in place “the state of corruption and tyranny”, saying it wouldn’t be part of a dialogue that doesn’t meet aspiration of the Sudanese people to establish the state of equal citizenship.

“There is no power in the world that could force us to do something that is not acceptable by our people and their revolutionary vanguard” the statement read

The statement pointed the political committee meeting has reviewed the details of the correspondence between the Sudan Call leadership and the AUHIP, saying it included proper and transparent procedures.

The SRF-Agar added that it would develop a strategic view to participate in the upcoming meeting with Mbeki to achieve the objectives agreed upon, saying it endorsed the structure of the Sudan Call which was approved in the Paris meeting.

It is noteworthy that the Paris meeting has approved the structures of the executive bodies and leadership of the Sudan Call.

The Leadership Council which is made up of 20 members representing the five blocks will take the major decisions of opposition umbrella. Its president will be selected by consensus.

The Executive Council will be tasked with the mass mobilization besides, political and diplomatic activities inside and outside Sudan. It will be headed by a chairperson and his deputy, and consists of eight sectors.


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