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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan governor survives assassination attempt

August 7, 2016 (YAMBIO) – The governor of Gbudue, one of South Sudan’s newly created states survived an assassination after unknown gunmen fired at his car as he travelled from Tombura to Yambio, injuring three body guards on Saturday.

Gbudue state governor Patrick Zamoi speaking to journalists at in Nzara airstrip March 4, 2016 (ST)
Gbudue state governor Patrick Zamoi speaking to journalists at in Nzara airstrip March 4, 2016 (ST)
Patrick Zamoi was in the company of some of his ministers and other state officials when the incident occurred.

The officials were in Tombura to address citizens on the peace and amnesty provisions granted to all armed groups to abandon rebellion and join government to build peace.

It is not clear whether what Governor Zamoi said in Tombura prompted the attack.

The state information minister, Natale Sabuni said, “While the convey was coming from Tombura with heavily military escort reaching half way in the remote area at Nagasi, they came under heavy attack in an ambush targeting governor’s vehicle only which was in the fifth position among many vehicles which accompanied the Governor to Tombura.”

Several bullets were sprayed at the vehicle direct at the governor’s seat which he survived narrowly, but injured seriously the driver and two body guards. The heavily armed military escort responded by shooting at the direction of the attackers and it remains unclear how many people are killed during the ambush, added the minister.

Three bodies of youth were reportedly found lying by the roadside next to the attack scene.

Since June, the road connecting Tombura and Ezo has been closed after unknown armed groups made it difficult for non-governmental organisations to access those areas to assist displaced persons currently living in terrible humanitarian conditions.


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