Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Equatoria’s Imotong governor appoints new commissioners

August 13, 2016 (TORIT) – Imotong state governor has issued gubernatorial decree appointing twelve County commissioners for the newly established local administrations in the area.

Governor Nartisio Loluke Manir
Governor Nartisio Loluke Manir
Nartisio Loluke Manir in a decree issued on Friday, appointed Fermo peter Ofere as a Commissioner of Torit County, Bernard primo as a Commissioner of Lopa County, Ben Kingston loduk as a Commissioner of Magwi County, Salvatore Abddala Orisa Moi as a Commissioner of Ikotos County, Emilio Igga as a Commissioner of Pageri County, Severino Loful Obong as a Commissioner of Lopit West County.

Meanwhile, Ukang Wang has also been appointed as a Commissioner of Lafon County, Vigilio Bernard take up Torit West County, Claudio Opwonya as a kidepo valley Commissioner, Emma Albino Aworu task for Torit east County, Onek Benson Mark for Ayaci County and Dominic Oywee Paul as Commissioner of Eriya County.

The governor is his decree urged the newly appointed commissioners to work hard in coordination with the local assembly, chiefs, security committees and the business communities to render services.

The governor further called on the local communities to work jointly with the appointed administrators since it was their own choice to steer up peace and development in their counties.

The newly appointed commissioner will take oath of office next week before to assume their duties in the respective areas.


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