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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese diplomat chosen as Arab League Assistant Secretary General

September 8, 2016 (KHARTOUM) – Arab League (AL) Ministerial Council on Thursday has unanimously elected the Sudanese Internationals Cooperation Minister Kamal Hassan Ali as Assistant Secretary General of the regional organization.

International cooperation minister Kamaleldin Hassan (SUNA photo)
International cooperation minister Kamaleldin Hassan (SUNA photo)
In press statement released on Thursday, Sudanese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ibrahim Ghanodur, welcomed Hassan’s election, saying it indicates the return of long-time isolated east African country to leading roles in regional and international organizations.

“The election of Kamal Hassan Ali shows Sudan’s strong return to the leadership of regional and international organizations. also it reflects the outstanding role the Sudan is playing in the various arenas,” said Ghandour.

Since Sudan involvement’s in an attempt to assassinate former President Hosni Mubarak in June 1995, the government of President Bashir had been isolated for long years within the Arab league. Also it ultimately led to the end of the strong alliance between Cairo and Khartoum.

However, Khartoum recent efforts to end its relations with Iran and the relative amelioration in its relations with some European countries contributed to improve its image.

“The election of the Sudanese candidate reflects the distinguished role of the Sudanese diplomacy and its ability to play a leading role in the different forums, especially in light of the current challenges,” said Sudan’s Ambassador to Cairo and its representative to Arab League, Abdel-Mahmoud Abdel-Haleim.

The meeting of Arab foreign ministers in addition endorsed a draft resolution ssupporting Khartoum’s efforts to promote peace and development and rejects the US unilateral economic sanctions against Sudan, said Abdel Haleim .

According to Abdel Haleim; Sudan has been also elected as a member in AL external offices committee, and recovery of cultural and historical treasures committee.

Kamal Hassan Ali, current minister for international cooperation, will occupy his new position during five years.

Previously he severed as a state minister for foreign affairs, Sudan’s ambassador to Egypt.


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