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Sudan Tribune

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EU, US authorities press charges against intruders into Ethiopian Embassies

Protesters chant slogans during a demonstration over what they say is unfair distribution of wealth in the country at Meskel Square in Addis Ababa, August 6, 2016 (Reuters Photo)
Protesters chant slogans during a demonstration over what they say is unfair distribution of wealth in the country at Meskel Square in Addis Ababa, August 6, 2016 (Reuters Photo)

October 1, 2016 (ADDIS ABABA) – Countries hosting Ethiopian embassies have begun filing charges against Ethiopians who trespass the vicinities of the embassies in those countries.

Ethiopian protesters in U.S. and Europe have repeatedly stormed embassies in those countries.

Previously angered protesters have also briefly took control of Ethiopian embassy in London.

Extensive and deadly violence has been taking place during anti-government protests in Ethiopia’s Amhara and Oromiya region.

Tewolde Mulugeta, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told journalists that the ethiopian government is working closely with US and European countries to bring perpetrators to justice.

Government officials allege that the protests in Ethiopia and elsewhere are being organised by exiled opposition movement such as the US based Ginbot-7 which had long been designated by Addis Ababa as terrorist entity.

The Ethnic Oromo and Amhara demonstrators however say they are protesting because the government has failed to respect their political and economic rights.

Tewolde said the western countries are filing charges against the perpetrators in accordance with the Vienna Declaration that provides the premises of a diplomatic mission, such as an embassy, to be protected by the host country from intrusion or damage.

The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 is an international treaty that defines a framework for diplomatic relations between independent countries.

The Convention provides that the premises of a diplomatic mission are inviolable and the host country must protect the mission from intrusion or damage.

Contrary to the provisions of the Convention that provides for the invincibility of embassies and missions, Ethiopians in the Diaspora intruded into the compounds and created havoc on the compounds of the Ethiopian embassies in London, Stockholm, Washington and Canberra.

“Some Diasporas violated international law of immunity of the Ethiopian embassies abroad by intruding into the embassies compounds when they have every democratic rights to present their issues to the embassies in a formal legal manner,” Tewolde stated.

According to the spokesperson, the Australian government has already filed a charge against intruders into the Embassy in Canberra, while the respective governments in London, Stockholm and Washington are processing legal actions against perpetrators.

The official further said the doors of the Ethiopian government are always open to engage in dialogue with Ethiopians in the Diaspora on the policies and the development strategies of the government based on visible evidences.

According to Human Rights Watch (HRW) Ethiopian security forces crackdown against protesters has led to the life loss of hundreds of citizens.

Right groups accuse the Ethiopia security forces of using excessive force to suppress the wave of protests.

Oromo opposition political parties told sudan Tribune that Dozens of their members including leaders remain jailed.

Some of the opposition officials were accused of having links with terrorist organisation who wish to destabilize the horn of Africa’s nation.

Ethiopia has also accused arc-rival Eritrea of backing the havoc by financing and hosting anti-peace elements, an allegation Asmara denies.


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