Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Amnesty to armed groups in Gbudue state due in 7 days

Nov 04, 2016 (YAMBIO) – Authorities in South Sudan’s newly-created Gbudue state have reiterated the need to end amnesty granted to all armed groups by 10 November.

The map of Western Equatoria in red
The map of Western Equatoria in red
These groups declared to fight government, saying it was their right.

The mayor of Yambio town, Daniel Badagbu said, state authorities gave lengthy time for armed groups to abandon their weapons and come home to benefit from the amnesty issued by the national government and state government to all armed groups, but some continued to commit crimes and worsen the security situation in the state.

“Amnesty should have a limit and we the Government gave a humble time to armed groups to come home and benefit from the amnesty but some continue to commit crimes and worsen the security situation we shall not entertain that”, said Badangbu.

According to the mayor, it is over one and half years now since the government issued amnesty to all the youth who took arms and entered the bush to fight the Government of which hundreds of civilians have been killed, many displaced, continue looting in homes and on roads, women are raped and properties destroyed.

This new development came after the renewed attacks on Police Headquarters in Yambio, and kidnaped of five policemen in Makpandu refugee camp in Yambio county.

The government continues to blame the armed group under Alfred Futuyo who showed allegiance to the armed opposition and is based in the northern part of Yambio county.

Over 500 armed groups, under the command of Futuyo, sundered to the government ever since amnesty to all those who are fighting was issued. But there are reports that most of the former armed groups who surrendered have returned to the bush to join their commander after he returned from the border of South Sudan and neighbouring Congo.

Although the mayor did not mention what steps would be taken after the expiry of the amnesty, he urged citizens in Yambio and in the state to remain calm and stay in their homes even if there are threats from the armed groups to attack and continues road blocks around Yambio town and other roads connecting to the state headquarters.

Meanwhile, a spiritual leader has urged government to leave open the amnesty period.

“And if the amnesty expires on 10th the community are in fear and some who did not flee their homes have started preparing to leave to Congo where they think in a bit safe and the situation is going to be worse in the state if the government react to the act of the armed group”, he told Sudan Tribune on Thursday.

“I think as a spiritual man, the government should leave the amnesty open until those youth come to their sense and come home this will promote peace and forgiveness because it has no end,” he added.


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