Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Pop stars release Darfur fund-raising album

LONDON, Sept 3 (Reuters) – Stars from the worlds of rock and pop have united on an album released on the Internet on Friday to raise funds for the people of the crisis-hit Darfur region of western Sudan.

U.S. band REM and British singers David Gray and Badly Drawn Boy are among musicians who have contributed to “Songs for Sudan”, which will help to fund charity Oxfam’s work for those driven from their homes.

“People like us might not have the power to stop the violence but at least we can try and help the people who are affected by it,” said Badly Drawn Boy, Damon Gough.

The United Nations estimates up to 50,000 have died since the conflict began.

The artists and record labels involved in the album are forgoing royalties and five pounds ($9) of the 7.99 pound price will go to Oxfam’s Sudan appeal.

Oxfam said that in order to save costs, the album would only be available as a download from www.bignoisemusic.com.

The Darfur conflict began in February 2003 after two rebel factions took up arms to protest against what they said was discrimination by the government.

More than a million have fled their homes for fear of attack by Arab militia, known as Janjaweed, who rebels say are supported by the government.

Khartoum admits arming some militias to fight the uprising, but denies any links with the Janjaweed, saying they are outlaws.

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