Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Eritrea denies asking Sudan to normalize relations: minister

Isayas_Afewerki.jpgASMARA, Sep 3, 2004 ( Mr. Ali Abdu from the Ministry of Information dismisses as baseless a report disseminated by the Sudanese Minister of Federal Government, Dr. Nafie Ali Nafie, claiming that “the Eritrean government had asked for normalization of relations with the Sudanese government through the Sudanese National Democratic Alliance (NDA).”

Noting that Eritrea’s problems with the government of Sudan is nothing different from the problems of the Sudanese government with the international community in general, Mr. Ali underlined that Eritrea did not and will not make any call on the Sudanese government for normalization of bilateral relations, since the problem will only be resolved when an end is put to the Sudanese government’s terrorist agenda.

Pointing out that the Sudanese government’s problem with Eritrea is an out come of the prevailing internal political crisis in that country, Mr. Ali Abdu stated that the Eritrean Government continues its positive contributions in the efforts to bring comprehensive peace settlement to the Sudanese conflict.

However, Mr. Ali added, instead of working for fundamental solution to the problem, the regime is sticking to its terrorist agenda and diplomatic maneuvers with a view to ensuring its stay in power.

He further stressed that continued dissemination of baseless information on the part of the Sudanese government is a clear manifestation of its desperation.

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