Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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S. Sudan president reverses detention of Azande paramount chief

December 19, 2016 (JUBA) – South Sudan president Salva Kiir has ended the more than two months of detention of the Azande paramount chief and directed government operatives to facilitate his return to the area.

South Sudanese president Salva Kiir (AFP)
South Sudanese president Salva Kiir (AFP)
“Oh yeah, the Azande chief has Wilson Peni Rikito, has been released from detention on the directives of the president. He is now preparing to return to Yambio”, a security officer with the direct knowledge of the arrest and who influenced the action of the government operatives told Sudan Tribune on Monday.

He confirmed that Rikito, who was arrested a month ago and detained without charge, was released on Saturday on the orders of the President of the Republic.

“So his detention has been terminated. The president also asked that his return to the state be facilitated and be given freedom to move and continue to discharge his duties as the chief of his people”, a member of parliament representing Yambio at the national legislative assembly told Sudan Tribune in a separate interview.

The legislator claimed certain politicians from the area were behind the detention of the chief whom they believe was not loyal to them and continued to support publicly activities of the former western Equatoria governor, Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro, who was axed from power by a presidential order in 2015.


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