Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan vice president gets acquaint with steps to hold Darfur conference

A_Osman_Taha.jpgKHARTOUM, Sept 6, 2004 (SUNA) — The First Vice President, Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, got acquaint with the ongoing steps to prepare for holding the comprehensive national conference on Darfur in light of the developments of the peace negotiations in Cairo, Abuja and Naivasha.

Chairman of the preparatory committee of the conference Izz-Eddin Al-Sayed told SUNA following a meeting with the First Vice Presidenyt at the Republican Palace Monday that the date and venue of the conference would be fixed in accordance with the developments of the peace negotiations.

The committee prepared the working papers that would be discussed at the conference besides its endeavors to provide favorable climate, which realizes the conference’s national objectives, he added.

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