Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan adjourns trial of soldiers suspected of committing crimes

South Sudanese soldiers (SSPDF) singing pro-war song (AFP file photo)
South Sudanese soldiers (SSPDF) singing pro-war song (AFP file photo)

MAY 30, 2017 (JUBA) – South Sudanese army (SPLA) said Tuesday it has adjourned the trial of at least 13 soldiers identified through witness testimony, physical evidence and confessions as having participated in committing crimes against civilians when clashes broke out between pro-government soldiers and troops loyal to the former First Vice President, Riek Machar in July 2016.

The soldiers, according to the military spokesperson, Colonel Santo Domic, were arraigned before a military court at the SPLA Headquarters in Giada on Tuesday, May 30th, 2017 from 10 am to 12 p.m. They are accused of rape, looting and murder.

The military leadership in 2016 after the Terrain Incident appointed a team of military officers to investigate the alleged offences and to trace and apprehend those implicated in the incident. The military committee was directed to recover any property stolen or looted from Terrain and arrest anyone implicated in the atrocities.

On 16 August 2016, President Salva Kiir, issued the Republican Order No. 20/2016, appointing a committee to investigate alleged offences of murder, rape and property looting committed at the Terrain Hotel. The investigation committee comprised six members chaired by National Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs Martinson Mathew Oturomoi.

The investigation committee took witness testimony from nearly 60 witnesses including the manager of the Terrain Hotel, Michael Woodward. He told the committee that at approximately 3.30 p.m. on 11 July 2016 government soldiers overran the Hotel’s compound. Between 50 and 100 soldiers stationed close to the hotel’s main gate on Yei Road forced their way into the compound, using guns and tyre levers.

There were nearly 30 staff members of international organisations sheltering at the hotel, including the Internews, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Dyncorp, United Nations Police and United States embassy subcontractor Management Systems International at the time the incident occurred.

The soldiers currently facing charges of rape, looting and murder have been taken to military courts in accordance with section 34 of the SPLA Act of 2008, which stipulates that criminal offences provided for under the Penal Code of 2008 shall be dealt with by the Military Courts. Rape is provided for under section 247 of the Penal Code of 2008 and punishable for a term not exceeding 14 years.


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