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Sudan Tribune

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UN agencies, donors visit N. Bahr el Ghazal state program

December 9, 2017 (JUBA) – A team from United Nations agencies and the donor community were in South Sudan’s Northern Bahr el Ghazal to visit a joint UN recovery and stabilisation programme, which aims at addressing the multi-dimensional needs of people in the region.

Map detail showing South Sudan’s border state of Northern Bahr el Ghazal
Map detail showing South Sudan’s border state of Northern Bahr el Ghazal
Funded by Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United States aid arm (USAID) and aid from the United Kingdom, the integrated joint programming is reportedly in line with the ‘New Way of Working’ in South Sudan.

The programme will respond to food insecurity, malnutrition, basic services, livelihoods and local economic revitalization in targeted communities in Northern Bahr el Ghazal state. It also delivers life sustaining services and strengthens local agricultural systems to produce and market food, earn incomes, ensure the delivery of basic services and livelihoods skills for vulnerable women and youth.

The approach, officials said, is designed to support the recovery efforts of communities and to build resilience against future shocks.

Speaking at a meeting with local government and partners, the UN humanitarian coordinator for South Sudan, Alain Noudéhou re-iterated the commitment of the international community to support the substantial humanitarian needs in the area.

The UN official commended the relative stability of the region, and welcomed the joint initiative of the various UN agencies, while underscoring the importance of complementing humanitarian actions with multi-sectoral recovery and resilience building interventions.

The acting governor of Aweil state, Lual Buolo commended the partnership and expressed appreciation for the support by the UN and the development partners.

“We face various challenges in the state and we are hopeful that we shall work as a team to address these issues,” he said.

Japan’s ambassador to South Sudan, Seiji Okada, said, “In a context of relative peace such as exists in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, there is a need to focus on a mix of agricultural projects to address the high food insecurity, institutional capacity building and vocational training for the youth.”

On his part, however, the Norwegian ambassador to South Sudan, Lars Anderson, reiterated the need for capacity building at the community level.

“While implementing this project, there is need for partners to prioritize the needs of women”, he stated.

The recovery and stabilisation project is implemented in partnership with Joint Aid Management International (JAM); Action Against Hunger (ACF); Concern Worldwide (CWW); World Vision; Help Restore Youth (HeRY); International Rescue Committee (IRC); Premiere Urgency International (PUI) and MEDAIR.


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