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Sudan Tribune

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Release Burkina Faso politician Djibril Yipéné Bassolé now, UN experts urge

December 11, 2017 (GENEVA) – The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention last week called on the Burkina Faso government to release immediately former Foreign Minister Djibril Bassolé, who was arrested in September 2015.
Mr Bassolé, who is 60 and a former Minister of Security, was detained after a failed coup. He 000attacking state security and colluding with a foreign power. He has always denied the charges.

In April 2017, the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) examined his detention, determined it was arbitrary, and called at the time for his release.

Mr Bassolé, who had twice served as the country’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, was removed from prison and placed under house arrest two months ago. His lawyers asked the Working Group to issue a new opinion on his detention, but this request was rejected.

However, the Working Group says: “Although the conditions of his detention may have changed, the deprivation of liberty has not ceased. We call on the Government of Burkina Faso to respect international standards and release Mr Bassolé now.”
The Government of Burkina Faso asked for the opinion to be reviewed but the Working Group has concluded that the request does not meet its threshold for such a review, and is insisting that Mr Bassolé should have his freedom immediately.

December 2017 – Experts of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention called on Thursday the authorities of Burkina Faso to immediately release former minister Djibril Yipéné Bassolé, who was arrested after a failed coup in September 2015 .

60-year-old Bassolé is accused of supporting an attempt to overthrow the government and has been charged with attacking state security and collusion with a foreign power. Mr. Bassole has always denied these accusations.

In April 2017, the Working Group reviewed her detention and determined that she was arbitrary. The task force had already called at the time for him to be released.

Mr. Bassolé, who served as Minister of Security (2000-2007) and twice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Burkina Faso (2008-2011 and 2011-2014), was released from prison and placed under house arrest. two months ago. Mr. Bassolé’s lawyers then asked the Working Group to give a new opinion on this detention, but this request was rejected.

“Although the conditions of his detention may have changed, the deprivation of liberty has not stopped,” said the Working Group. “We call on the government of Burkina Faso to respect international standards and to release Mr. Bassolé now”.

The Burkinabè authorities requested that this opinion be reviewed, but the Working Group concluded that the request did not meet the threshold required for such an examination and insisted that Mr. Bassolé be released immediately.
décembre 2017 – Les experts du Groupe de travail sur la détention arbitraire de l’ONU ont appelé jeudi les autorités du Burkina Faso à libérer immédiatement l’ancien ministre Djibril Yipéné Bassolé, qui a été arrêté après un coup d’Etat manqué en septembre 2015.
M. Bassolé, qui est âgé de 60 ans, est accusé d’avoir soutenu une tentative de renversement du gouvernement et a été inculpé d’attaque contre la sécurité de l’Etat et de collusion avec une puissance étrangère. M. Bassolé a toujours nié ces accusations.
En avril 2017, le Groupe de travail a examiné sa détention et a déterminé qu’elle était arbitraire. Le groupe de travail avait déjà appelé à l’époque à ce qu’il soit libéré.
M. Bassolé, qui a été Ministre de la sécurité (2000-2007) et par deux fois Ministre des affaires étrangères du Burkina-Faso (2008-2011 et 2011-2014), est sorti de prison et a été placé en résidence surveillée il y a deux mois. Les avocats de M. Bassolé ont alors demandé au Groupe de travail de rendre un nouvel avis sur cette détention, mais cette demande a été rejetée.
« Bien que les conditions de sa détention aient pu changer, la privation de liberté n’a pas cessé », a toutefois déclaré le Groupe de travail. « Nous appelons le gouvernement du Burkina Faso à respecter les normes internationales et à libérer M. Bassolé maintenant ».
Les autorités burkinabè ont demandé que cet avis soit réexaminé, mais le Groupe de travail a conclu que la demande n’atteignait pas le seuil requis pour un tel examen et insiste pour que M. Bassolé soit libéré immédiatement.

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