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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM-N Agar urges African mediation to seek holistic solution for Sudan’s crisis

February 10, 2018 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/North (SPLM-N Agar) led by Malik Agar has called on the African mediation to adopt a new approach to address the Sudanese crisis in a comprehensive manner.

AUHIP chief Thabo Mbeki speaks to reporters following a meeting with Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir on 5 November 2014 (SUNA)
AUHIP chief Thabo Mbeki speaks to reporters following a meeting with Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir on 5 November 2014 (SUNA)
The SPLM-N Agar held from 5 to 9 February a conference for the civil administration in the Blue Nile State in the presence of the Movement’s political, administrative, executive and military leaders and the participation of clerics and civic organizations.

In its final communiqué seen by Sudan Tribune Saturday, the conference granted full authorization to the Movement leader Malik Agar, his deputy Yasser Arman and the secretary general Ismail Gallab to make decisions on behalf of the Movement on political and military issues.

The conference appealed to the African mediation to adopt a new comprehensive approach to tackle the Sudanese crisis and stay away from partial solutions, saying the new approach should begin by addressing the humanitarian issues first.

“The conferees also extended the invitation to the African mediation to visit the liberated areas in the Blue Nile in order to see the reality of the situation on the ground” read the communiqué

It also called on the mediation not to rely on unrealistic reports which were supported by the regime to create further divisions on the social fabric in the region.

“The conferees have underscored the need to commit to the unilateral cessation of hostilities declared by the SPLM-N leader, Lieutenant General Malik Agar” added the communiqué

The conference also authorized the leadership to engage into negotiations and political alliances to overthrow the regime and achieve comprehensive change in the structure of the Sudanese state.

The conference called on aid groups to visit the SPLM-N Agar held areas to provide the basic services to the needy population in the Blue Nile without favouritism or discrimination.

It also stressed the Movement principles to restructure the Sudanese state on the basis of the New Sudan approach and the right of self-rule for the residents of the Two Areas.

The conference further condemned arbitrary detentions against the peaceful protesters including opposition leaders, activists, journalists, women, youth and students.

The Sudanese army has been fighting the SPLM-N rebels in the Blue Nile and South Kordofan, also known as the Two Areas since 2011.

The African Union High Implementation Panel (AUHIP) led by the former South African president Thabo Mbeki is brokering peace talks between the Sudanese government and SPLM-N.

The SPLM-N has split into two factions: one led by Abdel Aziz al-Hilu and the other led by Malik Agar. The rift emerged last year after al-Hilu accused Agar and the then secretary general Yasser Arman of refusing to back his demand for the Nuba Mountains self-determination.

Al-Hilu’s faction has won the support of the Movement’s major military leadership.

The AUHIP had excluded Agar group form the ceasefire and humanitarian access talks which took place earlier this month in Addis Ababa between the government and the SPLM-N al-Hilu.


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