Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

This is what we should do to the people of South Sudan

Subject: some achievements underscored during my tenure in the office as a constitutional post-holder from 2010 to2018

By Tong Akec Aleu

I would like to honestly shade light on some of the achievements underscored in the previous years I spent from (2010-2018) as a constitutional post-holder summarized below.

1. Position of commissionership:
-Construction of the county HQRS with sixteen (16) rooms as ground part while up stair site set.
-Renovation of the old colonial building with the modification on some structure.
-Installation of 42 hand pumps at different payams in the then Tonj South County, plus four(4) water yards , all these achieved with the support from the office of the presidential Advisor,H.E Nhial Deng Nhial.
-Establishment of five (5) PHCUs at the former five (5) payams of Tonj South County.
-Recruitment of additional fourteen (140 qualified Teachers, particularly for secondary schools in order to boast Education services in the county.
-Worked closely with the presidency office and Ministry of Higher Education to ensure Alexandria University branch established in Tonj South County, whichis now about 95% of the required work accomplished.

2. Security:-
-The writer contributed and participated positively in preserving the security situation across Tonj South County, especially that conflict occurred between Thony and JurWiir,Mouk and Yar sections in which 42 people had lost their lives.
-County authority have taken measures that involved arrest of the culprits and jailing them through the then form special court headed by paramount chief Jacob Madel Lang spearheaded by the chairperson for the council of the transitional authority of Warrap state. However, in that event, one of the criminal was sentenced to death by that reliable and competent court.

3. Position of the D/Governor for Warrap state:
The writer experienced insecurity all over the state when I assume the office in that matter; I worked hand in hand with former Governor of Warrap state, Nyandeng Malek Dielic who assigned me to take over charge on the whole state security affairs. While in that office, within the space of three (3) months’ time I managed to resolve the conflict between Apuk and Aguok, as a result peace and tranquility observed in the area while most culprits brought to book.Another,conflict between Apuk and Aguok sections which claimed 75 peoples’ lives on both sides and more than(40) people injured.
Furthermore, Iworked closely with the partner NGOs particularly the UNDP in the conflict mitigation and managed successfully to establish police stations in some parts of Warrap state like Pakoor in Tonj North, Makuac ,Ananatak in Tonj East,Wanalel,Manyangngok and Agoga in Tonj South,Mangol Apuk in Gogrial East and besides many others peace stability areas in former Warrap state.

4. Caretaker Governor for Warrap state:
The government under my leadership intervened and resolved successfully the existing conflict between Thiik and Luacjang particularly Pariak. However in that conflict there were some casualties incurred I lost my personal driver in that tragic incidence, two(2) bodyguards injured besides total destruction of the executive government vehicle burn down into ashes. In addition to that I with my team we managed to resolved amicably the then existing conflict between Wun Adel and WunThuc in Tonj East County, plus also a lasting solution to the conflict between Jurwiir and Thony sections of Tonj South.

5. Governor of Tonj State:
-The author established the government structure across the whole state, starting from the cabinet, municipal council and restructuring the state Legislative Assembly,
-Establishment of (22) counties and appointed their respective commissioners.
-Creation of 88 payams and 88 Bomas based on the local government Act 2009.
-Recovered 1,316 herds of the cattle looted from Agar Pakam by a group of thieves from Wun Adel section of Tonj East and all the stolen cows were returned to their owners.
– I erected 100 boreholes dug in the Tonj state with the support from charitable organizations.
-Amend and passed the state constitution derived from the defunct Warrap state constitution by both the council of Ministers and the state Transitional Legislative Assembly.
-20 KMs roads maintenance between Gok and Tonj states and another 40 KMs roads repaired between Tonj and Wau states.
-I also conducted several successful peace conferences between rivaling communities of the neighboring states.
-Stabilization of security with all the neighboring states.
-Some policies and work plans for most of the government institutions approved and endorsed by both the council of ministers and the August House.
-Fiscal year Budget2016/2017 and 2017/2018 thoroughly scrutinized and approved by both government wings in addition to the endorsement of the state Taxation Act 2016 plus many other by-Laws.
-General maintenance of security across the state for the last two (2) years or more.
Finally I would like to thanks H.E Gen. Salva Kiir the president of South Sudan for the trust bestowed upon me by picking me from thousands of people of former Warrap and Tonj States, to deliver the above mentioned achievements.

6. My Recommendations:
-To achieve a lasting security and stability in the state the below points are recommended:
-General disarmament to be carry out in Tonj state.
-Deployment of more forces along the volatile borders in order to protect properties and human lives.
-Conduct more conferences, awareness about the arms risks.
-Finally, all the civil servants, intellectuals, administrators and chiefs to strictly refrained from indulgent in politics.

The writer is a former Governor of Tonj state Maj.Gen Tong Akec Aleu and can be reachable via:[email protected]

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