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Sudan Tribune

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S. Sudan armed opposition diplomat dies in Norway

April 22, 2018 (KAMPALA) – A senior South Sudanese armed opposition (SPLM-IO) diplomat has died, the group’s leader announced in a statement.

The late Daniel Wuor Joak (courtesy photo)
The late Daniel Wuor Joak (courtesy photo)
Daniel Wuor Joak, who represented the armed opposition movement in the Scandinavian countries died on Friday in Norway.

In a statement issued Saturday, the SPLM-IO chairman, Riek Machar, said the movement had lost a strong figure in its diplomatic wing.

“CDE Daniel Wuor Joak has been the SPLM/SPLA (IO) representative of Scandinavian Countries. He has been a staunch supporter of Self-determination and independent of the people of South Sudan. He successfully fought the diplomatic battle and popularized the cause of the people of South Sudan in Scandinavian. He is a veteran of the liberation and independence of South Sudan. He was also a strong mouthpiece in the current struggle for reforms and federalism in South Sudan,” partly reads Machar’s statement.

According to the rebel leader, the deceased had been battling with liver cancer for a longer period of time, prior to his untimely death.

Machar, in his statement, urged the family to be strong after Wuor’s death.

“CDE Daniel Wuor Joak leaves a big void in our diplomatic work. We mourn and grieve for this great loss. He shall be missed not only by his family but all of us. May God Rest his Soul in peace,” he stated.

Wour, according to Machar, will temporarily be buried in Norway as recommended by his family, until peace returns to South Sudan.

The deceased, who hailed from Nyangorah in Ulang county of South Sudan’s Sobat state, authored the book “The Rise and Fall of SPLM/SPLA Leadership”.


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