Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

US diverts Iraq reconstruction money to Darfur

NAIROBI, Kenya, Sep 27, 2004 (PANA) — The US government has diverted 150 million dollars initially meant for Iraq’s reconstruction to Sudan’s western region of Darfur, a statement from the US embassy here said.

The embassy said the US Senate on Monday approved 300 million
dollars in humanitarian aid, including 150 million dollars
diverted from unspent money originally allocated for Iraq’s
reconstruction, to disaster and famine relief in Darfur.

It said the humanitarian aid package for Darfur was part of the
19.5-billion dollar foreign aid bill approved for the next fiscal
year beginning 1 October.

“Of the $300 million for the region, $200 million could be made
available immediately for Darfur refugees and the remainder upon
the signing of a peace agreement that has been in the works for
months,” said the statement.

Early this month, Secretary of State Colin Powell termed the
situation in Darfur a “genocide” and called on the UN to mobilise
the international community to consider sanctions against Sudan.

The US was also instrumental in the passing of the latest UN
Security Council resolution that envisages sanctions against
Sudan’s oil industry unless Khartoum makes good on its promise to
protect the population of Darfur.

Human rights groups, the African Union, the US and the European
Union have accused Khartoum of arming a militia known as
Janjaweed to fight other communities in Darfur.

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