Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Opposition alliance says ministerial reshuffle does not address Sudan’s problems

Sadiq al-Mahdi (C) poses for a picture with Sudan armed groups in Paris after his election as a chair of the opposition alliance on 17 March 2018 (ST photo)
Sadiq al-Mahdi (C) poses for a picture with Sudan armed groups in Paris after his election as a chair of the opposition alliance on 17 March 2018 (ST photo)

September 10, 2018 (KHARTOUM) – The opposition umbrella Sudan Call said the recent cabinet reshuffle is yet another manoeuvre to divert attention from the real political and economic crises the country is facing without bringing real change.

On Sunday President Omer al-Bashir dissolved a large national consensus government and changed the second vice-president. Further, he appointed his cousin as a new prime minister who will form a lean cabinet to be announced Wednesday.

In a statement released Monday at the end of a two-day meeting in Paris, the Sudan Call leadership blasted the ministerial changes saying these measures do not respond to the deteriorating living conditions or contribute to bringing peace in Sudan.

“The changes made by the regime (…) are artificial and worthless,” said a statement extended to Sudan Tribune.

The reshuffle “will not solve the crisis of living and will not bring peace and stability. But, it is an attempt to divert attention and allow al-Bashir to cement his grip and the grip of his family on power and resources,” further said the opposition alliance.

The Sudan Call said the people must continue their struggle against the regime without paying attention to “the government artifices”.

The meeting came before the travel of it leadership delegation to Geneva to lobby the meetings of the UN Human Rights Council. The opposition calls to reappoint a special rapporteur for human rights in Sudan to investigate into the continued human rights violations in the country.

The statement also reiterated that the Sudan Call is a separate body from the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) which resorts to the armed struggle.

Sudan Call is a civil alliance that adopts peaceful political means to reach its goals, it has no connection with the armed struggle of the SRF and does not participate in it. The Revolutionary Front alone is responsible for its military activity, as it does not consult the civilian components of the Sudan Call.

The fact that the umbrella gathers political and armed forces pushed the government to accuse the political forces of supporting the armed action of armed groups in Darfur and the Two Areas.

Also, Sadiq al-Mahdi the leader of the National Umma Party of, the largest opposition group in Sudan, was prevented by the Egyptian authorities from regaining his residence in Cairo because of his alliance with armed groups.

It was purported that he further received blames from several countries in the region for his alliance the armed groups.


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