Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Hours before peace signing, SPLM-IO accuses South Sudan forces of new attacks

September 11, 2018 (JUBA) – Twenty four hours before the expected signing of the revitalized peace deal, the SPLM-IO issued a statement about fresh attacks by the government forces in Yei River State.

Lam Paul Gabriel
Lam Paul Gabriel
“This morning the 11/09/2018 at about 7:00 am, the regime’s forces left their trenches in Agana and attacked our defensive positions at Kendiri and Mangalatore in Kajo-Keji County of Yei River State,” said SPLM-IO deputy spokesperson Lam Paul Gabriel on Tuesday.

He added that the fighting was still continuing when he issued his statement to alert about the attack.

The government and SPLM-IO forces in Yei River State which borders Ugandan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Last April the ceasefire commission said in a report about the state that the government, SPLM-IO and NAS forces continue to violate the ceasefire and attack civilians without consideration for the signed deals and in total impunity.

In his statement, Gabriel accused Juba of r the recent attacks, saying ammunitions were transported by aeroplane from the capital to Yei airstrip

“These are indicators that the regime is launching an all-out war against peace in Yei River State and other parts of the country,” he added.

He called on the IGAD to condemn the attacks and hold Juba responsible for the violations of the ceasefire.

“These serious and repeated attacks which amount to violations, are all happening as peace talk is ongoing and scheduled to be signed tomorrow 12/09/2018 in Addis Ababa-Ethiopia,” he stressed.

The SPLA spokesperson was not available for comment on these claims.

Several days ago the two parties traded accusations of attacks but, the monitoring body and the UN peacekeepers didn’t release statements on it.

For the first time, the neighbouring Sudan and Uganda will take part in the peacekeeping force to ensure the enforcement of revitalized peace pact, in line with the agreement which would be signed on 12 September.


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