Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese have become prey of mercenaries and Janjawid militias

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman

The Janjaweed bandits have been raging in the land of Darfur in particular and Sudan in general with corruption, havoc and destruction, more than a decade on. The Janjaweed militias and their allied mercenaries are a time bomb that will explode sooner or later in the face of everyone. And through the follow-up of the TV episodes under the title of “the witness for the recent era, late Dr. Hassan Abdalla al-Turabi, the godfather of the former National Islamic Front (NIF) said of the strategies of the former National Salvation Revolution (NSR) was the dismantling and dispense with the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and replace it with irregular forces, aka Janjaweed militias and their ilk mercenaries. And they have done that through the promotion of the Janjaweed militias instead of the Sudanese army forces (SAF). Therefore, it is very certain that the owners of criminal minds and thought will be their replacement gang of thieves. The name Janjaweed strikes fear into the hearts of many Sudanese people. The Janjaweed are now formally known as the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). It first gained international notoriety in 2003 at the beginning of the Darfur conflict. Today, the Janjaweed are being accused of new violations – accusations that their leaders and the Sudanese government strongly deny.

The Janjaweed established their presence on the Sudanese political scene very quickly. They are associated with the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), fighting alongside them in the Sudanese states of the Blue Nile and South Kordofan, as well as in the Darfur region.

“Armed militias settled in our lands, they occupied all our farms and orchards. Who is going to remove them and give us our lands back if peacekeepers leave Darfur? We ask the UN to keep its forces in Darfur, there is still no peace.”

These are dispirited words of “Daoud Jama,” a sixty-one-year-old Internally Displaced Person (IDP) in the town of Morney in West Darfur, voicing concerns over plans to withdraw UN blue helmets from the region.

Views of a Sudanese journalist: “Withdrawing peacekeepers from Darfur: is the region ready?”

The statements of Mohammed Hamdan Duglu, known famously as Hamiditi, commander of the Janjawid militia, which was recently named as the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), indicate the degree of arrogance, superiority and slander that the tribal militias have reached in their contempt of Sudan in general and particularly in the sorrowful Darfur region.

This seems to be the era of evil ideology of the formerJanjaweed who tried hard secretly and devilishly planned the so-called the Quraish/ Guraish series of Guraish 1, 2, 3, 4and 5 in the highly confidential memorandums/memoranda which were sent to the then democratically elected Sudanese Prime Minister, Sayed al-Sadig al-Mahdi complaining of their alleged grievances of injustice in the Darfur region. The planners of the Janjaweed and the militias of Quraish 1 and Quraish 2 said in their highly confidential document and the main statement of the organization of the Arab Gathering/ Arab Congregation on Monday, October 5, 1987, sent to the then Sudanese Prime Minister, Sayed al-Sadig al-Mahdi.https://www.facebook.com/slajem/posts/1110211445666406

The former Janjaweed militia has gone through many stages to reach the level of the position that it is currently in within the circle of the regime of the National Congress Party (NCP) under the name of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) after going through the cloning process and under the direct authority and Command of the Génocidaire, War Criminal and Perpetrator of Crimes against Humanity against the Rights of the unarmed noncombatant Sudanese civilian citizens populations in Darfur, Marshall Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, who remains fugitive from the international justice and chased by the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague in the Netherlands since 2009.

One of the ironies and the miserable fate of people in this decadent era is what has been reported as to have been said by the leader of the Janjaweed militia Mohammed Hamdan Dogolo, better known as Hamidati. He has been reported recently that he announced that he had taken over large squashes of land from the Darfur region to his Arab tribes to have a territory of their own. He said that in a press interview. He added further to report his background by saying that he basically came to Sudan from the state of Chad the then his homeland while he was a small child to Darfur in Sudan! As we know,Hamidati has passed through many stages to reach the level that he is now with his master of grace the ruling regime of the National Congress Party (NCP) under the name of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). In 2014, the Janjaweed militias were brought under a united command and given their new official name – the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) after a long cloning process. Hamidati is aiming now to create a miniature state, apartheid-like segregated territory solely for the Arabs while the rest of the ethnic groups become cleansed, a continuation of the former ethnic cleansing imposed earlier in Darfur by the Arabised supremacists entity, of the Islamic Charter Front (ICF) the National Islamic Front (NIF)/National Congress Party (NCP).

In the foregoing context, it is relevant to refer to some of the important series of documents that emanated from what was calling itself the Arab Gathering/ Arab Congregation. They include series of Documents beginning by 1 and ending at Document 5. Document 1in which the group made their Main Statement of the organization of the Arab Gathering and released on Monday, October 5, 1987 where the names of the 24 Committee members authorized by the Arab Congregation/ Gathering along with the Document Number 2 in which the so-called Noble goals of the Arab Gathering to be maintained while putting the schedule for the achievements achieved so far. The Document 3 showed the need to work hard to achieve the goals to be seen soon by:
A – The year 2020 as the maximum deadline
B – Goal Guraish 20
C – The interim goal: Acquisition of the six localities of the Western Darfur where Plans, Programs and Means were underway! The targeted areas include, as noticed below the original lands of the Fur and Massaleit as of the following localities:
A) Wadi Saleh.
B) Mukjar.
C) Wadi Kaja area.
D) Distribution of the Popular Defense Forces (PDFs) from Kordofan [Misseriya] as follows:
A) Jebel Marra.
B) South and South Mount West Kass.
C) Valley of Bari/ Wadi Barey
Document 4stated that (It has become clear that we cannot have a place in Darfur except by struggle, determination and solidarity. This is a delicate and difficult stage that can only be achieved by men. For the achievement of the goals of the Arab Gathering, the Higher Committee decided the following:
The members of the group committed and who performed the Oath to carry out the following: –
1 To cause trouble in the way of the regional government to harass them and to use all available means so that they cannot implement their policies and reform programs.
2 Working hard to paralyze the services and facilities in the areas of Zurga (the Blacks) and shake the citizen and make him feel the weakness of the government and its inability to provide the basic necessities of life.
3 Multiply the Volunteers in all areas of the Zurga because it is imperative that we weaken the security in the areas to stop production in those areas and the exclusion of their leaders.
4 To Work to create disputes between the Black tribal groups so as not to be united
5 Members of the Arab Gathering who hold leadership positions shall comply with the following:
(A) Concentration of services in the areas of influence of the Community as far as possible;
B- Not to put the sons of Zurga in jobs of importance and to work to put obstacles in front of those who assume administrative and executive functions whenever the circumstances prevail

(C) To work with all means and ways to stop the stability of schools in the Zurga areas; and son, as the available space for the article cannot accommodate the rest of the criminally loaded messages of the so-called Arabs who are nothing but racial bigots. The foregoing is taking place while the Sudanese identity theft is underway and the worse is to comer when the Identity Abduction becomes the bitter rejected reality. Thus, the Janjaweed – aka- the Arab Gathering/ Arab Congregation is a time bomb that will explode sooner or later in the face of everyone.

In Sudan ruled for three odd decades by the dictatorial political Islamism the Janjaweed Gangs Became the Protector and the Bandits replaces the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF). Furthermore, the Settlement and the New Settlers is a Time Bomb in Darfur as rightly said by Mohamed Nour Oudou. There is no doubt when one goes in depth the Janjaweed is nothing but a ticking time bomb in Sudan. Thus, the Sudanese people in the Darfur region have been left prey for the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) following the United Nations’ decision to reduce the UNAMID force in the region and changing its role by the declaration that it must shift its priorities from peacekeeping to peacebuilding and development. http://sudanreeves.org/2018/09/11/views-of-a-sudanese-journalist-withdrawing-peacekeepers-from-darfur-is-the-region-ready/

The question as to what is Rapid Support Forces (RSF) they are Sudanese paramilitary forces/militias operated by the Sudanese Government. For technical and administrative purposes the (RSF) are administered by the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), although during military operations they are commanded by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF).

According to the authority bestowed upon these militias by the genocidal President of Sudan Omer al-Bashir, the (RSF) under the leadership of Mohammed Hamdan Duglu aka Hamedti they are playing in their status, they are the judge, the jailer and the executioner; so to speak.

The Janjaweed, also spelt Janjawid, is an Arab militia active in Sudan, particularly in the Darfur region. The militia’s name is thought by many to be derived from the Arabic jinni (spirit) and Jawad (horse), although its etymological origins are not completely clear. When the question as to who is the leader of janjaweed? The simple answers will pop up as Musa Hilal. Once it was reported that the then Federal Affairs Minister Abdel Basit Sabderat said clan leader Musa Hilal had been named as his adviser. The US State Department and human rights groups say Mr Hilal is a leader of the Janjaweed, which is accused of committing war crimes in Darfur.21 Jan 2008.

In order to get the comprehensive background about the Janjaweed militias, I find myself referring to the most important scholarly written article by Dr. Abdullahi Osman El-Tom under the title: (The Arab Congregation and the Ideology of Genocide in Darfur Sudan)http://eprints.maynoothuniversity.ie/2641/1/Ara.pdf
Samantha Jane Power the Irish-born American academic, author, political critic and diplomat who served as the 28th United States Ambassador to the United Nations from 2013 to 2017 and she is a member of the Democratic Party. Power began her career as a war correspondent covering the Yugoslav Wars. She has been quoted as saying:“What is most needed in Darfur is an international peacekeeping and protection presence, and this is what the Sudanese government most wants to avoid”.
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/darfur

Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/

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