Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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AU president, Commission chairman to visit Sudan next week

Olusegun_Obasanjo3.jpgKHARTOUM, Oct 3, 2004 (SUNA) — Nigerian President and Chairman of the African Union (AU) Obasanjo, Chairman of AU Commission Alpha Omer Konari and AU special envoy to Sudan Hamid Al-Ghabid are to visit Sudan next week to conduct consultations on resolution of Darfur problem.

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Nageeb Al-Khair Abdul-Wahab said talks between the AU leaders and the government officials would tackle preparations for the coming session of Abuja negotiations with arms holders in Darfur, which will be resumed in their set date.

Replying to a question by SUNA on the humanitarian protocol between the government and the arms holders in Darfur, Abdul-Wahab explained that the government asked the AU to call on the two parties to sign the protocol before the convening of the coming session of negotiations, adding that the issue is expected to be discussed by the government and the leaders of the AU.

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