Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan would face great uncertainty in case of chaos: al-Bashir

al-Bashir waves to his supporters during a rally at the Green Square in Khartoum, Sudan January 9, 2019. (Reuters Photo)
al-Bashir waves to his supporters during a rally at the Green Square in Khartoum, Sudan January 9, 2019. (Reuters Photo)

January 9, 2019 (KHARTOUM) – President Omer al-Bashir has once again warned his countrymen against confronting a mysterious fate similar to the situation of civilians in war-torn countries in the region and Arab world who fled their countries.

Speaking to the crowd that rallied in the Green Square in Khartoum to demonstrate their support for him and his government, al-Bashir stressed that the only way to take over the reins of power is to hold elections.

“There are countries that were one of the most beautiful countries in the region. They were the favourite destination of tourists during holidays. Now its people are refugees looking for bread here in Sudan. Now they are among you. Ask them what happened to their country and how it is now,” he said.

The Sudanese President who is accused by activists of seeking to intimidate Sudanese was speaking about Syrian refugees. Sudan received over one hundred thousand Syrians who fled the civil war in their country that erupted in 2011 following the Arab Spring revolution.

“If this happens to you, God forbid, where will you go?” He asked.

Since the start of protests on 19 December, al-Bashir has underlined he would not step down. Also, all his recent speeches tacitly sent the same message about the consequences of civil war in Sudan.

His former first deputy Ali Osman Taha was the first to confirm the participation of National Congress Party militiamen in the repression of peaceful protesters when he spoke Tuesday about “shadow brigades” that will scarify their lives for the regime.

The Sudanese president called on the armed groups to join those who have already signed peace agreements with the government.

Also, he repeated accusations against some political forces, which he said are implementing an external agenda driven by the enemies of Sudan.

“But no way for them,” he said before to add “We affirm that there is only one path for power which is a decision by the Sudanese people through free and fair elections”.

The Sudanese president again told the crowd that some countries that he did not name tried to humiliate his government and put some conditions before to provide economic support to Sudan.

“But our integrity and dignity are more precious than any dollar. We believe that livelihood is in the hands of God,” he said.

On the other hand, he thanked China, Arab United Emirates, Kuwait, Russia and Qatar countries for their support to his government.

The Higher Coordination Committee of National Dialogue Forces said the crowd that gathered in Khartoum to support Bashir exceeded, according to initial estimates, one million people but the real number looked smaller than that.

Activists spoke of the interruption of work in government facilities for long hours on Wednesday because the staff was instructed to participate in the rally. Also, there were reports about supporters who came from far areas like Kassala to participate in the meeting.


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