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Sudan Tribune

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JMEC calls on South Sudan boundaries body to end its works in 60 days

JMEC Chief of Staff Ambassador Berhanu Kebede during the opening of teacher's workshop in Juba, Thursday, April 19, 2018 (JMEC photo)
JMEC Chief of Staff Ambassador Berhanu Kebede during the opening of teacher’s workshop in Juba, Thursday, April 19, 2018 (JMEC photo)

March 18, 2019 (JUBA) – The Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC) on Monday has called on the members of the Independent Boundaries Commission (IBC) to conclude their works within two months.

The IBC which has to be established within two weeks of the signing of the revitalised peace agreement held its first meeting on Monday in Juba.

Its task is to consider the number of States in South Sudan, their boundaries, the composition and restructuring of the Council of States and to make recommendations on the same.

Speaking during the opening session, RJMEC Chief of Staff Ambassador Berhanu Kebede pointed to the importance of their job for the stability of South Sudan and urged to end their duties within two months.

“While urging the Commission to do all in its power to complete the tasks within the 60 days, Ambassador Kebede noted that the conclusions of the Commission will undoubtedly prove critical to the work and functioning of the (revitalized transitional government) RTGoNU,” read a statement issued after the meeting.

The IBC which is chaired by a non-South Sudanese member is made of fifteen members including, five from the Incumbent TGoNU, two from SPLM/A-IO, one from South Sudan Opposition Alliance, one from Former Detainees and one from Other Political Parties.

The other five, of whom two are yet to arrive, are highly experienced C5 members nominated by the member States of the African Union High-Level Ad Hoc Committee on South Sudan from South Africa, Nigeria, Rwanda, Algeria and Chad.

Upon completion of its work, the IBC will present its recommendations to the IGAD Executive Secretariat. These recommendations will then be communicated immediately to the peace parties.


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