Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Bashir should respond to the will of Sudanese people

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman

The will of the people is usually above the oppressive tool of the tyrants as is known throughout the history of mankind, but the tyrants like Omer al-Bashir of Sudan do not take the lessons of their failure to understand their peoples and their sick intransigence in the face of the evidence that guides them to understand the eternal truths and taking lessons.

This article comes, like its predecessor, against the backdrop of the outbreak of the Third Sudanese Glorious Revolution of Wednesday, December the 19th 2018 during which the Cities, Towns and Villages in all over Sudan rose up with one objective of the overthrow of the arbitrary ruling regime of Omer al-Bashir. As the popular demonstrations continued for the third month in a row as of today 23rd March 2019, chanted “Freedom, Peace and Justice” and Revolution is the Choice of the people” and they set out for the Popular demonstrations which have continued and dozens of processions have been continuing on the 23rd of March in several areas of the Three Town Capital Khartoum after the Friday prayers, as a gathering of professionals has put forward a new map of its movements next week, including the identification of business institutions affiliated to the National Congress Party (NCP) regime affiliates and called for targeting them with economic boycott as a popular tool to derail the sources of wealth of the regime’s corrupt entourage.

The recent Austerity measures imposed by al-Bashir and his criminal entourage to Sudan in addition to countless other heinous crimes, including the prison sentences imposed for those arrested during the public peaceful demonstrations have ignited the popular uprising.

Of the noticeable corrupt features of the NCP regime in addition to the pomposity, arrogance and inept incompetent personality of Omer al-Bashir who lacks the basic wisdom of a statesman that might have helped Sudan coming out of the mayhem and havoc which led the country during the three lean decades of his arbitrary rule to chronic crises, reinforced the outbreak of the continuing uprising. Unfortunately, that was the fate of the resilient Sudanese people. Furthermore, there is no intention among the people of Sudan to siding with his inept National Congress Party (NCP) regime which is overshadowed by the length of time and the chronic failure associated with the crimes of financial corruption, extrajudicial killing and crimes of war and genocide of unarmed Sudanese civilian citizens, which forced them to be displaced from their homes and to migrate to the overseas for an unknown future, becoming prey to the sea whales and other predators, including sea pirates and human trafficking mafia.

Some optimistic people expect that the pompous Omer al-Bashir would opt to sobriety from his arrogance to give in to the Sudanese public will. However, that dream is unlikely to happen given the fact that the dictator Bashir is no longer in control of his own regime government elements which are currently divided along the lines of quotas. It is noteworthy that some of the constituent elements of his party and his government have sided with the will of the revolution of the Sudanese people, which affected all the regions of Sudan and the demonstrations continued unabatedly since 19 December 2018 demanding that Omer al-Bashir and his regime should step down to allow the people to choose the nature of the government they want. Furthermore, to get out of the predicament introduced by Al-Bashir and his lengthy period that wasted the livelihood of the Sudanese people and their country along with the systematic destruction of infrastructure and selling the sources of production through corruption and luting public money into foreign banks abroad.

The brutality of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) is indescribable and unimaginable as well. That is because there is no cruelty beyond genocide.

The tipping point for the uprising has been thought as a response to the rise in bread and fuel prices in Sudan, but as a Matter of fact, the underlying causes is beyond that. It relates to the iron fist Daredevil repressive policies of the 30 year long military dictatorship imposed on the people of Sudan resulting into secession of one third of its population of Sudan of the citizens in the South Sudan due to racial hatred and of course the genocidal crimes al-Bashir perpetrated against the Sudanese people in the region of Darfur in the western Sudan. The crimes of the regime chaired by Omer al-Bashir hit large segments of the people of Sudan; including those who were martyred inside the prison and detention cells as well as those killed in Darfur, the Nuba Mountains, the Blue Nile region and the victims of Port Sudan, and those who were killed in cold blood in the Amri and Kajbar areas in Northern Sudan region and the martyrs of the revolution of September 2013 when more than 200 young men and women were massacred in cold blood. Furthermore, we would not forget the 28 Sudanese military officers who were executed on April 28 –1990 in Ramadan, the Place of their graves is still undisclosed by the regime to their loved ones.

During The heinous crime that led to the execution of those twenty-eight military officers in Ramadan, General Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir, as commander-in-chief and commander in chief of the armed forces, is responsible for achieving justice and abiding by military law and regulations in all cases of the armed forces. And this is what happened during the stages of the investigation procedures with the officers of the “April movement” and even the execution of the death sentences, and oddity that the commander of the armed forces to escape to the hiding place to hide in the home of a member of the Islamic Front in the Eastern Blue Nile Region and Leaving all his leadership responsibilities to be run by junior officers, and only returned the next day after the failure of the coup attempt!!. https://www.facebook.com/SUDAN4ALL/posts/%D8%B1%D9%85%D8%B6%D8%A7%D9%86-%D9%A1%D9%A9%D9%A9%D9%A0%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8%D8%B4%D9%8A%D8%B1-%D9%8A%D9%87%D8%B1%D8%A8-%D9%85%D9%86-%D9%82%D8%B5%D8%B1%D9%87-%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%AD%D8%AA%D9%85%D9%8A-%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D9%8A%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%86%D8%B5-%D8%A8%D9%83%D8%B1%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%BAbakrielsaieghyahoode/708191455922260/

At this time, as they say that at this time that the ruling National Congress Party in the Sudan led by Omer al-Bashir staggering while the horizon for solutions to Sudan’s crises have become blocked and the Prime Minister of the Bashir government says that he is not the reason for the demonstrations and as each of them puts the blame on the other. While each of them puts the blame on the other when the land has narrowed despite its wide capacity as a result of the evils they have committed against the humble and tolerant Sudanese people who rose up when ager reached the climax and the point of no return but the ousting of the regime.

It is ironic that Omer al-Bashir has formed a new government to replace the place of his former government under the name of the government of competencies, although it has the same faces that formerly the Sudanese people called it the government of the corrupts and adding a group of military officers and security personnel as rulers in the 18 states of Sudan.

As it is known but It is worth mentioning that the forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change which is the umbrella of a political body chosen by the components of the Sudanese opposition forces, groups called for Omer al-Bashir to resign and form technocrat government with a collegial presidential council to lead the country during a four- year period to end armed conflicts, resolve the economic crisis and prepare for general election. Thus, the unified Sudanese opposition has an unwavering position which explicitly expressed that initiative led by a government-allied coalition, 2020 Forces, to find a way out of the country’s current political crisis following protests to oust President Omer al-Bashir to find approval is considered as the” Seventh Impossible or such as like ploughing in the sea, so to speak.

The Glorious December 19th 2018 Popular Revolution which has so far entered the fourth month, nationwide protests calling for regime change are continuing in defiance of the national state of emergency declared by the president on 22 February 2019.

As the Demonstrations continued to demand the departure of the regime for the ninety-third day, as of the 22nd of March 2019 in a row in several neighborhoods after the Friday prayers, there is no retreat for a compromise for allowing al-Bashir to continue on the “throne” until the so-called 2020 “electioneering”! The masses of the steadfast Sudanese people led by the Led by the Gathering of Sudanese Professionals and the Forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change have determined to soldier on until the hateful regime listens to the loud public voice or wait its inevitable demise.

Furthermore, The Sudan Call alliance (SC) of opposition parties and armed movements has confirmed its withdrawal from all dialogue initiatives offered by the Sudanese government, as well as the Roadmap brokered by the African Union High-level Implementation Panel (AUHIP). The announcement was made after two days of meetings in Paris. The alliance stressed that “there is no dialogue nor negotiations with the regime except on the process of [the Al Bashir regime] stepping down and handing over power to the representatives of the people who will lead the transition.

The desperate and embattled President of the (NCP) regime Field Marshall Omer al-Bashir’s last-minute Appointment of Caretaker Government Is not expected to play any positive role in countering the overwhelming popular pressure on the despotic ruling regime, which does not care for the welfare of the public good. On the other hand, the Sudanese people will continue protesting without a period of calm until the Overthrow of Omer al-Bashir and his militias, mercenaries and security forces to the dustbin of history.

The masked militias and shadow forces of Ali Osman Mohamed Taha will not weaken the resolve of the Sudanese people who made the glorious October Revolution in 1964 and the April 1985 triumphant revolution until they see the demise of the genocidal criminal Military coup d’état regime.

Benazir Bhutto the Pakistani politician who served as Prime Minister of Pakistan from 1988 to 1990 and again from 1993 to 1996 and was the First Woman to head a Democratic Government in a Muslim Majority Nation has been quoted as saying: “Military dictatorship is born from the power of the gun, and so it undermines the concept of the rule of law and gives birth to a culture of might, a culture of weapons, violence and intolerance.
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/dictatorship

Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/

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