Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s al-Bashir now is held in Khartoum prison

Omer al-Bashir declares the state of emergency on 22 February 2019 (SUNA photo)
Omer al-Bashir declares the state of emergency on 22 February 2019 (SUNA photo)

April 17, 2019 (KHARTOUM) – Sudan’s ousted President Omer al-Bashir has been transferred to Kober prison in the capital Khartoum late on Tuesday.

His transfer to the prison ends rumours about his travel to outside the country.

Reuters, citing prison officials, said that he was being held in solitary confinement under tight guard.

The former president previously was held in his residence inside the army headquarters.

Sudanese military who have overthrown him last Thursday refuse to hand al-Bashir over to the International Criminal Court (ICC) indicating their preference for Sudanese court.

In line with the Rome Statute of the ICC, the courts at the national level should deal with cases of war crimes, genocide and crime against humanity. The ICC is complementary to those national jurisdictions.

After the coup d’état, the Sudanese military say they decided to topple al-Bashir on 11 April because he had ordered them to use violence to disperse thousands of protesters outside the army headquarters.

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