Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Putschists’ counterrevolution continues in Sudan

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman

The Impasse of the Sudanese Revolution is attributable to the Transitional Military Council’s Delay and deliberate procrastination in addition to the lack of coordination between the components of the Forces for Declaration of Freedom and Change (DFC). The aforementioned Forces have brought together individuals and groups that have conflicting political goals, for conspiracy purposes, opportunistic gains and disguised intentions. That has been followed by the Transitional Military Council (TMC) the military junta the heir of the ousted regime of the National Congress Party (NCP) led by the Génocidaire Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir. Thus, the disappointed met with the hopeless, so to speak.

Despite the recent polishing of the image of the Sudanese army, the latter did not protect the Revolution. The ones who supported the revolution are a number of junior officers, soldiers and police were the ones who sided with the Sudanese people and protected the rebels. As for the generals of al-Bashir, most of them stopped short of doing so. The position they have taken has been described as to what Nero did by just remaining looking at the Great Fire of Rome burning and doing nothing. The original legend says: “Rome’s emperor at the time, the decadent and unpopular Nero, “fiddled while Rome burned.

Sudan army chief in the Transitional Military Council (TMC) is insisting that Sharia law should remain the basis of the country’s new laws. This latest statement followed the Protest leaders handing over a list of proposals to (TMC) during the upcoming interim government, following the ousting of President Omer al-Bashir on Thursday 11 April 2019. However, the Sudanese people who have been an uprising and keeping day and night in a sit-in reject the statement in full. The Sudanese people outrightly reject of any new “military coup” that would re-produce Sudan’s 30-year crises. There is No solution to the crisis other than the handover of power to a civilian government, agreed upon in accordance with the Charter of the Forces of Declaration of Freedom and Change (FDFC). The body representing the Sudanese people stressed the continuation of the sit-in until the achievement of the desired goals of the revolution and change. Although there are many differences and maybe more important between the (TMC) and the (FDFC) they are logical differences between the revolutionary forces supposed to seek a civilian rule and a military council likely to want to cling to power. But the paradox is that many people do not notice in the midst of these differences that the (FDFC insists on a four-year transitional period. On the other hand, the Sudanese Transitional Military Council (TMC) when it disagreed with the politicians did not threaten to break the sit-in or the declaration of martial law, but threatened to hold elections within six months! Why early elections should be seen as a threat to forces of Declaration of Freedom and Change whose main objective is democracy. Political analysts indicate that this path taken by the Forces of Freedom and Change ensures that Islamists would not win and that they have the opportunity to root out pro-regime forces.

The granting of legitimacy to what is illegitimate and trying to transcend and escalate /strengthening the Transitional Military Council (TMC) through the neighboring Arab countries from Cairo and the Gulf States as if the Transitional Military Council as the legitimate ruler is a position that represents a deadly stab in the side of the Sudanese people who remained in front of the presidency/ Headquarters of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) for nearly six months, as from 19th December 2018. The popular mobs’ chants echoed the eternal motto and slogans of Freedom, Peace and Justice and that the Revolution is the choice of the people of Sudan. Freedom, Peace and Justice have been deprived by the tyrant, genocidal criminal Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir and his corrupt entourage during the three lean decades characterized by the failure and racism that drove the people of Sudan in the southern region to choose the secession and formation of their state, which unfortunately is also characterized by the failure inherited from the ruling regime of the Freemasonic International Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM), the Khartoum branch. It is ironic that, at this opportunistic time, the head of the Umma Party (NUP), the nationwide opportunist entity to take over the leadership to support the military junta which now controls the reins of the Sudanese revolution led by General Abdul (TMC) led by Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, who is part and parcel of the ousted regime of Omer al-Bashir by leaving the components of the Sudanese opposition, as he did before when he deserted Asmara suddenly going to Djibouti, on the Horn of Africa. As all know that in the city of Asmara in Eritrean the Sudanese Opposition announced the Fateful Decisions of Asmara by the National Democratic Alliance(NDA) and started the following items: with the preamble:
The participants deliberated on the basic issues of the homeland and focused their discussions on the following elements:
Stop the war and bring peace to Sudan:
(A) The right to self-determination;
(B) – The relationship of religion to politics
(C) The form of governance during the transitional period
Programs and mechanisms to escalate the struggle to overthrow the National Islamic Front (NIF)
Arrangements and tasks of the transitional period
Elements of the future of Sudan
Structure of the National Democratic Assembly
Humanitarian issues

The Sudanese people are the one who makes the required Change and by no means by the Transitional Military Council (TMC) which cannot be the opponent and the referee at the same time because the junta in the (TMC) is an integral part of the ruling regime of the abandoned National Congress Party (NCP) not long ago under their Master of Grace. There are submarines within the Sudanese opposition, the most important of which is the National Umma Party (NUP), under the leadership of its president, Sayed al-Sadiq Al-Siddiq Abdul Rahman Mohammed Ahmed Al-Mahdi, and his family of sons and daughters working day and night for their party without regard to the efforts of the Sudanese people represented in youth and women in all the provinces of the country who have been demonstrating, sitting in and are protesting to remove all traces of the ousted regime. The remnants of the (NCP) regime are still at large and controlling the state apparatus. Even those who had to be removed from office by the military council because they were ultra-strong were replaced by second-class men!

The Sudanese people of women and men young, middle-aged and elderly from all walks of life have been able to overthrow Bashir, would not surrender their victory to those who try stealing the efforts of others. The regime that has concentrated all powers in one dictator’s hands who ruled and controlled on the army, security and police for 30 years would not easily depart willingly and leaving power. However, the Sudanese public still can defeat al-Burhan if decided in half a day. The people are still filled with the same enthusiasm, determination and courage and selflessness for the sake of their country Sudan.

The Citizens say that the rate of the movement of the Transitional Military Council (TMC) is like a movement of the turtle that leads neither to obesity nor does relieve from hunger, so to speak.

According to the prevailing opinion of law scholars and politicians, the main objective of the revolution is to establish a democratic system, which can only be established after the removal of the former regime. The removal of that regime is not only by taking political power from its head but by rooting out its roots from their depth. This process includes its institutions, laws and sources of power that enable it to dominate the joints of the state and impose its will on the people. This is a precondition for the establishment of the free democratic order that the revolution has achieved. Getting rid of the effects of authoritarian rule needs a transitional period in which a transitional government is tasked with the agreed tasks of ending the civil war in a way that allows it to address its root causes. Furthermore, it requires the implementation of emergency programs to address the economic crisis and establishing a healthy relationship with the international community. To undertake wide-ranging legal reforms that change the nature of the legal system and to establish democratic institutions, organs and laws that, in their entirety, can establish a democratic constitutional system are parts and parcels of the process. All the foregoing begins with the Transfer of Power to a Civilian Government (TPCG) that fits in terms of composition and authority to do all that. https://www.alrakoba.net/news-action-show-id-319747.htm

Furthermore, the Constitutional Declaration must be issued immediately to achieve the Transition to Civil Rule, with a period of validity of three or six months, called the pre-transitional period, during which the transitional tasks governing the transitional period will be carried out in addition to other tasks. In any case, we should not repeat the experience of holding the elections before the transitional period unless we want the repeat the same failed results of the Painful past.

The Transitional Military Council (TMC) or the Military Coup d’état Council took a long time to study the document sent by the Forces of Declaration of Freedom and Change. During that period, the rebels of Nyala and Madani were attacked, some of them were killed and others were wounded. And the Military Transition Council after a long silence noted that the document presented by representatives of the revolutionaries was devoid of Shariya as the source of governance. Thus, the military junta who is an ally to the ousted regime has only got stuck to the story of the law and its source of legislation and that the implication that the document submitted by the forces of freedom and change declaration is a (Secular) and at worse nothing but an infidel. By doing so, the Transitional Military Council is opening a subject that is not even debated and its place in the Constitutional Conference as if it wanted another futile debate to shed light on the demands of the Sudanese revolution. It seems that Abdel Fatah al-Burhan and his Islamist group are proving without a doubt that they are the remnants of the former regime. Thus, the former regime of the (NCP) is still in operation trying to impose the rejected reality on the revolutionaries who have organized a sit-in demonstration and mass rally in front of the Headquarters of Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) for nearly six months.

Abdel Fatah al-Burhan and his Ten Islamist group Military Council within which implanted former cloned Janjaweed militia leader will continue in their Plans for the coup d’état counterrevolution in full-fledged or in disguise with a view to thwarting the unprecedented popular uprising that broke out and turned into Revolution throughout Sudan. The Janjaweed Leader Mohammed Hamdan Dogolo, aka, Hamiditi has served as the right hand of support and the faithful guard of ousted President Omer al-Bashir. To ensure the loyalty of the Janjaweed and its independence from the state apparatus, the regime granted the militia land, investment projects and companies, including a gold mining company.

On the surface, there are a number of questions to confront the demand of the Transitional Military Council (TMC) under the leadership of General Abdel Fattah El-Burhan on the need for Sharia law to be the source of government in Sudan. The questions are whether Islamic law is not a source of legislation present in all constitutions of Sudan, both military and civil? Wasn’t the law (which is said to be sharia) fail to protect the poor and the hard-working, the dead and failed to prevent the immoral acts and gave immunity and the immunity to the rich and the corrupt?. Were these laws not exist when bullets harvest the demonstrators? And the ousted infamous President Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir didn’t demand the killing of one-third of the Sudanese population with the ruling Maliki fatwa? So what is the logic that makes the necessity of proclaiming Sharia as the source of the ruling power after the overthrow of Omar al-Bashir and his ruling Islamist regime that was killing and committing genocide under the so-called Sharia laws which usually directed to target and punish women for what is called indecent dress which is described as scandalous clothes. Sudanese women flogged because of their clothing under the Public Order Laws. Under the Transitional Military Council, it seems that the spectre of flogging in Sudan has once again reared its grotesque head. After the 30th June 1989 military coup by the National Islamic Front (NIF)/ National Congress Party (NCP) regime, a rigid Wahhabi-style system of law was imposed, in a random manner at that, with the new government adopting some of the legal system more draconian laws and ignoring others entirely; under the name of Public Order Laws. People may remember the furore caused by Lubna Hussein’s “indecency trial”. The victims, more often than not, are the dispossessed and disenfranchised punished on charges of wearing “indecent pants”. End Lashing, Reform Public Order Rules, used to be the chanting of women Sudan. https://www.hrw.org/news/2010/12/15/sudan-end-lashing-reform-public-order-rules

The (TMC) is talking about Justice if you are Muslims can be applied without adhering to slogans, but where were the time of subjugation, injustice, murder, looting, corruption and the destruction of the Sudanese state, O Council of the military and the transition before you board members of the Council today ??? It seems that the collective memory of the peoples is weak, as the investigative journalist writer Fathi al-Daw says. One of the reasons for the political instability in Sudan is the “sieve-like memory of the Sudanese people who tend to easily forget “, that is, the memory that leaked out the big events through its holes. Therefore, I found that documentation is an antidote to it. Therefore, detecting and exposing the assets of the evil satanic organization, which has had a profound and deep impact on the creation of the messianic entity that is ongoing in Sudan is very important, especially in the circumstances of the triumphant Sudanese revolution we are living today. Therefore, we the Sudanese are nowhere near recovered yet from the clutches of the deposed head of the NCP experiences of three decades. And I say, adding, and this is certainly our case, we the good people sincere Sudanese people who tend to offer more than grab hold and take away. This transitional Islamic Military Council (TMC) cannot be trusted because hypocrisy and lying are established principles ingrained in their thinking in their words and behaviour.

Lao Tzu the 6th Century BC philosopher of ancient China has been quoted as saying: “He who does not trust enough
will not be trusted”. https://www.quotespeak.com/life-quotes/emotions-quotes/meaningful-quotes-trust-mistrust/

Quoting answers Karl Marx gave to his earlier question of
“Religion is the opium of the people” is one of the most frequently paraphrased statements of German philosopher and economist Karl Marx. It was translated from the German original, “Die Religion … ist das Opium des Volkes” and is often rendered as “religion… is the opiate of the masses
Quoting answers Karl Marx gave to his earlier question about religion:
Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions.

25 Substantial Quotes About Trust & Mistrust

It is assumed that Karl Marx has said his famous saying that the religion is people’s opium means that the poor and the marginalized of the people cling to religion more than the other affluent as a kind of refuge from their feelings of misery. Based on this interpretation, Karl Marx did not say a word against the religions in the phrase, contrarily to the understanding of those who are against Marxism. And of course in Marx’s theory is that the attachment the proletariat to religion is more than that of the bourgeois class.

The system of government required after the overthrow and removal of the ruling regime led by the deposed Omer al-Bashir is a Civilian rule with limited military participation and the Transitional Military Council must understand this, which is one of the priorities of the Sudanese People’s Revolution.

Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/

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