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Sudan Tribune

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Military body wants talks with Sudanese who achieved revolution, Hemetti says

Gen Mohamed Hamdan Daglo aka “Hemetti
Gen Mohamed Hamdan Daglo aka “Hemetti

June 16, 2019 (KHARTOUM) – The deputy head of the Military Transitional Council (TMC) said that they want to negotiate with Sudanese who made the revolution, not those who came from abroad, pointing that the latter foment a plot to create chaos in Sudan.

African Union and IGAD mediators backed by the international community are working to bridge the gaps between the ruling junta and the opposition coalition following the suspension of talks over power transfer after the killing of over 100 peaceful protesters in the pro-democracy sit-in area on 3 June.

In order to ease distrust, the mediators have asked the parties to avoid verbal attacks and take a number of confidence-building measures to create the needed conducive environment for the resumption of discussions in the days to come.

However, Mohamed Hamdan Daglo aka “Hemetti” on Saturday renewed attacks on the protest leaders accusing them of working to create chaos with foreign diplomats in Khartoum.

He told a rally at Qarri area in Khartoum state that it is not true that the TMC rejects to talks with the opposition but they want negotiations with the opposition to defend the interest of Sudanese who ousted al-Bashir.

“When we discovered the plot we demanded to negotiate with the Sudanese who achieved the achieved change and ousted al-Bashir and not those who were living in America, Europe and hotels,” he said.

Talks are deadlocked between the military council and the opposition Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) as the military demands to the majority and the chairmanship of the Sovereign Council but the opposition says the transitional institution should be led by a civilian.

Military officials including Hemetti allude more and more to reports that the opposition wants to try them for war crimes and atrocities committed in Sudan during al-Bashir area. Also, they express fears about plans to disband the army and the Rapid Support Forces of Hemetti.

“Change was smooth without killing,” he said adding “but now they want things to be done according to their understanding”. “Also, there are plans under preparations targeting me, Hemetti”.

“And let us be frank, there are also plans against the tribes of the Nile river,” he added pointing to the population of the area but he didn’t speak about he was standing behind.

Nonetheless, the deputy head of the ruling military council accused foreign diplomats in Khartoum of working to destroy Sudan, adding they are aware of their plans.

Yasir al-Atta, a leading member of the TMC political committee last Thursday said they wanted to take the Sovereign Council to achieve national reconciliation forgiveness in Sudan stressing they were genuine in their desire to partner with the Sudanese opposition and achieve radical change in Sudan.


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