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Sudan Tribune

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U.S. envoy calls to stick to Sudan-agreement implementation deadline

August 7, 2019 (KHARTOUM) – U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan Donald Booth Tuesday called to stick to the implementation deadline of the agreement reached between the ruling military council and the Forces for Freedom and Change, pointing that his country is considering with its partners ways to support Sudan.

U.S. special envoy Donald Booth talks to reporters in Khartoum (SUNA/ file photo)
U.S. special envoy Donald Booth talks to reporters in Khartoum (SUNA/ file photo)
Booth met with the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Ministry, Omer Dahab ahead of the arrival of U.S. Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs David Hale to Khartoum on Wednesday.

According to the official news agency SUNA, Ambassador Dahab and Booth discussed bilateral relations as the Sudanese diplomat indicated his country desire to normalize relations with the United States and other countries that Sudan had strained relations with during the rule of the ousted President Omer al-Bashir.

He further expressed hopes that Washington removes Sudan from the list of countries supporting terrorism, pointing to the agreement reached by the Sudanese parties on the transitional authority.

“Ambassador Dahab explained that Sudan is now looking forward to its reintegration into the international community and that it needs the support of the international community to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030,” said SUNA.

“For his part, the U.S. envoy said his government is working with its partners to consider how to lend a helping hand to Sudan, calling for the commitment to the implementation matrix that has been agreed upon for the establishment of the transitional civil institutions and the government,” reported the official agency.

In a related development, UN Special envoy for Sudan Nicholas Haysom discussed with Omer al-Digair the header of the Sudanese Congress Party the role of the United Nations in support of peace, democratization and economic recovery in Sudan.


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