Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Troika welcome appointment of Sudan’s PM, pledge to support his government

Abdallah Hamdok
Abdallah Hamdok

August 21, 2019 (KHARTOUM) – The United Kingdom, United States and Norway, Troika countries welcomed in a joint statement the appointment of Abdallah Hamdok as Sudan’s prime minister who will lead the country efforts to bring peace and achieve democratic reforms.

Hamdok, a former UN economist who was nominated by the Forces for Freedom and Change was appointed by the head of Sovereign Council as prime minister on Wednesday.

We “congratulate Dr Abdalla Hamdok on his appointment as prime minister by the Sovereign Council and welcome the extensive professional experience he brings to the role,” said the Troika before to say “We look forward to working with Sudan’s new institutions”.

We welcome this step in creating a civilian-led government. As Prime Minister Hamdok begins the process of selecting ministers and identifying the government’s priorities,

The statement recalled that the regime change in Sudan has created a “unique opportunity” to achieve peace, drafting a constitution establishing a democratic rule where human rights are protected, and women rights are observed and to create the necessary conditions for free and fair elections.

The three countries called on the Sudanese to engage in good faith to deliver these goals, “in particular urging the armed movements to engage constructively” with the new Government to achieve peace”.

“The appointment of a civilian-led government presents an opportunity to rebuild a stable economy and create a government that respects human rights and personal freedoms. Prime Minister Hamdok will have the Troika’s support in achieving these objectives,” stressed the statement.

Sudan’s new prime minister vowed Wednesday to work hard to make peace and economic reforms the top priorities of his technocrats cabinet.

Also, he said he will be very strict in the choice of his minister adding he may return the nominees to the Forces for Freedom and Change if he did not find the right person among the candidates.


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