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Sudan Tribune

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FFC extends to Hamdok nominees for Sudan’s transitional cabinet

Sudan's PM Abdallah Hamdok with NUP leader Sadiq al-Mahdi on 22 August 2019 (ST photo)
Sudan’s PM Abdallah Hamdok with NUP leader Sadiq al-Mahdi on 22 August 2019 (ST photo)

August 27, 2019 (KHARTOUM) – Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok on Tuesday received the list of ministerial nominees made by the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) ahead of the formation of his cabinet on 28 August.

Hamdok who was also nominated by the FFC will lead a technocrat government tasked with the implementation of a political programme set by the coalition that led protests that toppled down the former regime of Omer al-Bashir.

“On the afternoon of Tuesday, August 27, 2019, I received the lists of the ministerial nominees submitted by the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC),” said Hamdok in a short statement released in the evening.

The list of the Freedom and Changes forces include 49 nominees for 14 ministerial portfolios and 16 nominees to head four national councils.

According to the list released by the FFC, the 14 ministries are: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economy, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Energy and Mining, Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Ministry of Social Development and Labour, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Cabinet Affairs.

The four national councils are Federal and Local Governing Council, Culture and Media Council, Higher Education and Scientific Research Council, Council of Religious Affairs.

The militaries have to nominate the Minister of Defence, Minister of Interior and the head of the General Intelligence Service.

Among the FFC nominees, three women are prioritized for the ministry of justice, Labour and Ministry of Livestock.

“I will meticulously and strictly consider all the nominations submitted under the agreed criteria, taking into account the fair representation of women,” said Hamdok who has a discretionary power to pick his ministers from the nominees.

The nominees are generally technocrats who have no political affiliation, except, Madani Abbas Madani who is from the Sudanese Professional Association and was a member of the FFC negotiating team with the military council.

FFC officials say he was nominated for the ministry of cabinet affairs to coordinate between the ruling coalition and the transitional government. Also, they point out that he is not politically affiliated to any political party.


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