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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s SRF says expected appointment of state governors will breach Juba declaration

November 5, 2019 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) called on the Sudanese government to not appoint the civilian state governors before signing the peace agreement, pointing out that such a move would breach of the Juba Declaration for confidence-building and goodwill.

Osama Said, SRF Spokesman
Osama Said, SRF Spokesman
“The Revolutionary Front rejects any unilateral attempt to breach the agreement of confidence-building measures signed on 11 September 2019 in Juba, with the Government of Sudan,” said Osama Said, SRF Spokesperson in statements to Sudan Tribune on Tuesday.

“The repudiation of this agreement brings us back to the former regime’s policy of vetoing covenants and conventions,” he said.

He told Sudan Tribune that the Spokesman of the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) Wajdi Saleh announced that they are in the process of appointing state governors and members of the Legislative Council and set a date.

Said was referring to the FFC press conference of Sunday 3 November where Saleh said that they would replace the military state governors before 17 November.

He further disclosed that the government delegation during the latest round of talks in October had asked them to discard a disposition in the Juba Declaration related to the adjournment of the appointment state governors until the singing of the peace agreement.

“But they gave justifications that were not convincing to the Revolutionary Front.”

“So it was never agreed to cancel this disposition at all,” he asserted.

The SRF spokesperson called on the Sudanese government to abide by what has been agreed upon and not to “expose the current peace process to any shake” that creates a state of mistrust and delays the conclusion of a peace agreement.

The umbrella of armed groups had diverged with its political partners of the FFC on the formation of the transitional government as the SRF had demanded to delay the formation of the civilian-led cabinet until the signing of a peace agreement.

At the time the FFC rejected the call saying they are pressed by the street to form the cabinet.

Nowadays, Hamdok is facing growing pressure from the FFC to replace the military state governors by civilians governors.

The Sudanese government and the SRF, as well as SPLM-N al-Hilu, will resume peace talks on 21 November.


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