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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Differences between Sudan government, SRF and FFC are the main issues of concern

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman

As the proverb goes, the difference of opinion does not spoil amity and does not spoil the friendliness issue. On the other hand, mere differences of point of view and differences of opinion do not spoil the friendliness of the issue of partners in a common goal like freedom, peace and justice chanted by the rebellious Sudanese public components last December.

This article comes against the backdrop of a number of issues relating to the Post December the 19th Glorious Revolution among which is the reported concerns of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) about the expected appointment of state governors by the Transitional Government which is seen by the SRF as a breach of Juba declaration. So far, many important goals have been achieved. Revolutions usually have countless demands as we have seen it among the peoples of the world everywhere and there are many undoubtedly vivid examples today. We may not need to give examples while we see what is happening in Hong Kong, Algeria, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Tunisia and as well as the current conflicts in South American nations such as Venezuela and let alone Africa’s Deadliest Conflicts in South Sudan and the Central African Republic (CAR). Thus, as if the Countries of the world each one is waging war on itself!

Oh You Sudanese people who are the most patient, resilient and resistant to arbitrary rule tell you that what has been destroyed by the demolition pick during 30 odd years cannot be repaired in less than twelve months after the Glorious December Revolution. Patience and hard work are needed to achieve the higher goals we are looking for. But this does not diminish the legitimate aspirations of the Sudanese people to reap the fruits of their Revolution. At the moment, we hope that this kind of talk should not be taken as a kind of letting down to the legitimate aspirations which urge the people towards fast reaping the benefits of their continuous efforts.

But isn’t it time to stop the skirmishes between the components of the Sudanese political opposition and focus towards getting Sudan out of the abyssal grip of the terrorist Islamism regime led by the currently deposed notorious genocidal criminal, fugitive from the International Justice Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir and his defunct corrupt entourage? http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article68451

The time of getting out of the era of clutches of injustice, nepotism, corruption and warfare seems around the corner, but the forbearance among the leaders of the Glorious December 2018 Revolution seems in short supply.

The three groups made up of the Forces for Declaration and Change (GAHT), Sudanese Revolution Force (SRF) and the Transitional Sudanese Government (TSG) who represent the main Ripe fruit of the Glorious Sudanese Popular 19th December 2018 Revolution, and these three who are Supposedly friends with one Task to implement but seem to be brawling, blaming each other ever since the Flame of the Revolution Started to Fade slowly. Of course, no one denies the achievements of the trio referred to in the previous lines. And we should not be like looking at the empty part of the pot instead of considering the full part as the saying goes because the achievements of the trio are too many to be denied only by individuals who are characterized by extreme ingratitude. Given the abject deliberate failure of the deposed National Congress Party (NCP) regime to make peace in Sudan over its autocratic 30-year rule that characterised by crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide, the post-December Trio referred to in the previous paragraphs, without any thread of doubt it could be a game-changer. This is more so for the Sudanese people who suffered and have experienced the scourge of attrition wars. They know all too well the difference between life in constant wars and the coming of a just and sustainable peace.

It is worthy to mention among so many other benefits of the post Revolution achievements and at this juncture let us give it a thought into the maiden visit to the Province/region of Darfur, in particular to El-Fasher al-Sultan, as it is referred to, by the Transitional Sudanese Prime Minister Dr Abdallah Hamdok and his accompanying delegation, inspired by the revolution’s slogans of freedom, peace and justice. The delegation’s first foothold was the three main Camps for the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of Zamzam, Abushouk and al-Salam. The main purpose of the visit is to identify the conditions of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and to work urgently to address their problems that persisted during the years of war that broke out in 2003 and provide services and work on their return to their areas of origin with the provision of services, as well as providing security and the removal of tribal fighting along with working hard towards the removal of those who occupied the lands of indigenous people without right.

The Prime Minister’s visit to El-Fasher includes the inauguration and opening of a number of health facilities such as the Children’s Specialty Hospital and the Accidents and Injuries unit in El Fasher Hospital, in addition to the opening of the commodity exchange Market, solar power stations, the new Bank of Sudan headquarters and as well as the landport. Furthermore, during his visit, Dr Hamdok will hold a number of meetings with the components of political and civil services in the state to brief them on the policies and plans of his Transitional Government.

A number of official and popular bodies and civil society organizations welcomed Dr Hamdok’s visit to the Capital of the state of North Darfur. They considered the visit represents a strong impetus to the efforts of stability and peace particularly in the State and in Sudan generally.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok announced the convening of a National Conference in the coming days to discuss Peace issues and ways of achieving them. Hamdok also called on all parties to unite, join efforts and leave all kinds of differences and work to create an atmosphere for Peace during a speech at the University of El Fasher as part of his visit to the State of North Darfur in Western Sudan, which began on Monday morning the 4th of November 2019. https://sudanindependent.com/news/politics/2019/11/04/%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%AF%D9%88%D9%83-%D8%AA%D8%AD%D9%82%D9%8A%D9%82-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%88%D9%84%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%A7%D8%AA

With the same theme, Hamdouk stressed that achieving Comprehensive Peace is one of the priorities of the next stage, stressing that they have the confidence to achieve peace and tolerance among the components of society, indicating the seriousness of the transitional government to return the national project to unify the Sudanese people. Dr. Abdullah Hamdouk also explained the government’s endeavour to address the economic crisis suffered by the Sudanese people resulting from the accumulation of the wrong policies of the former regime.

While Addressing the mass meeting of displaced people in Zamzam camp, he praised the struggle of the Sudanese woman, pointing out the importance of her active participation at all levels to build a democratic and free Sudan.

The demands of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) included the need to address the root causes of the problem in Darfur in order to achieve a just and lasting peace, and allow humanitarian organizations to return immediately to contribute to the role of providing services to the displaced, and stressed the importance of providing all perpetrators of genocide, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity in Darfur, including the head of the former regime In addition to the disarmament and demilitarization of all militias and battalions without procrastination, and the establishment of regular national forces loyal to all parts of the homeland. The representative of the (IDPs) stressed that the implementation of their demands represents the first step of reconciliation between them and the Transitional Government. The crowd who met Dr Hamdok as he visited camps in El Fashir shouted “We want justice! Send all criminals of Darfur to the ICC [International Criminal Court],” chanted the crowd who met Mr Hamdok as he visited camps in El- Fashir. The crowd chanted: “No justice, no peace in Darfur!” Mr Hamdok assured them that Sudan’s new government was working towards peace in Darfur.

For his part, the representative and leader of Abu Shouk Camp Provided a list of demands and needs of the internally displaced persons (IDPs), which he said are to rebuild, construct and develop the areas affected by the war with standard specifications suitable for human life such as what happened in the countries of Rwanda and South Africa, in addition to compensating the displaced individually and collectively, as was the compensation for those affected by the Kajbar Dam during the previous government, and to pay the highest attention to the issue of Hawakir and historical rights related to land and its use to be in accordance with customs and traditions and the expulsion of new settlers from the land of the displaced.

Hamdok expressed his happiness with the speech of the representative of the displaced and the slogans they raised and called for peace and justice. He called on everyone to cooperate and work together to bring Sudan to safety.

There is an important part that has not been included in this article. These are the key political positions in which Armed Struggle Movements have been deprived of sharing and participation. One of those political institutions is the Legislative Council. Thus, the Armed Movements have become outside the important political institutions such as the Transitional Council of Ministers, the Sovereign Council and the restructuring of all state institutions such as Undersecretaries of Ministries and Peace Commission. The worse scenario is the matter that broke the camel’s back, as they say, is and they is represented in the Forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change proceeding without the accompanying of the Armed Movements to the Appointment of State Governors on a date set before 17 November 019.

As the world knows that the conflict that erupted in the Darfur region in 2003 left hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced, the constituted the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), Refugees and those tried to cross the Mediterranean Sea for a “better life” in the Overseas, especially Europe. Unfortunately, large numbers of young people have drowned in the deep sea to become food for whales, while those who survived the sinking became a commodity in the slave market at the mercy of human trafficking lords in Libya and elsewhere.

Robert Nesta Marley, Jamaican singer and songwriter who was considered one of the pioneers of reggae, marked by blending elements of reggae, ska, and rocksteady, as well as forging a smooth and distinctive vocal and songwriting style, has been quoted as saying:
“Better to die fighting for freedom than be a prisoner all the days of your life.”

Whereas, ? Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, the South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, political leader, and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999 and was the country’s first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election has been quoted as saying: “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/liberty

Furthermore, it is worthwhile at this juncture to quote Mahatma Gandhi whose full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, the Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist, who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India’s independence from British Empire Rule, and in turn he inspired Movements for Civil Rights and Freedom across the world, he has been quoted widely as saying: “What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty or democracy?” https://www.google.com/search?q=mahatma+gandhi&oq=Mahatma+Gandhi&aqs=chrome.0.0l6.1564j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Eric Arthur Blair, better known by his pen name George Orwell, the English Novelist and essayist, journalist and critic whose work is characterised by lucid prose, awareness of social injustice, opposition to totalitarianism, and outspoken support of democratic socialism, has been quoted as saying: “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/liberty

The Sudanese citizen who suffered the scourge of war, oppression and deprivation of his basic rights during the rule of the clique of the political Islam will continue to support the outcome of December 19, 2018, Glorious Revolution until it produces fruits.
And long live free and united Sudan and Free from the Dictatorship Clutches of poverty, disease and ignorance are our eternal and frequent mottos.

Dr Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com

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