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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Qatar continues to use Sudan for fomenting subversive activities against Eritrea: statement

November 28, 2019 (KHARTOUM) – Eritrea Thursday once again accused Qatar of continuing its efforts to destabilize the government of President Isaias Afewerki, pointing that Sudan is used as a springboard for the alleged subversive activities.

President Afwerki speaks at state dinner on the honour of President Kiir on 18 August 2018 (Photo shabait.com)
President Afwerki speaks at state dinner on the honour of President Kiir on 18 August 2018 (Photo shabait.com)
Asmara since March 2018 has been accusing Qatar of backing Eritrean Islamist groups to overthrow President Afewerki. In May of the last year, it further claimed that the tiny Gulf state had been joined by Ethiopia and Sudan.

After the removal of the former President Omer al-Bashir, Sudanese officials travelled to Asmara to restore relations and to boost bilateral relations insisting to the strong and historical relationship between the two countries.

On Thursday the Eritrean information ministry issued a statement pointing an accusing finger to Qatar of continuing its “deplorable schemes of subversion” against the government in Asmara.

The statement did not accuse the Sudanese transitional government of taking part in this plot but stressed that Qatar uses Sudan as a springboard for its subversive activities.

“In this particular year in which the prospects of using Sudan as a suitable venue for launching terrorist activities have become increasingly slimmer, the desperation of Qatar, its sponsors and minions has accordingly become higher”.

Asmara claimed that the new plan backed by Qatar focuses on mobilizing the Eritrean youth and inciting them to stage protests against the Eritrean government, but also to give military training to Eritrean Islamists in Sudan without further details.

The Information ministry further pledged to release soon more details about the recent intercommunal clashes in Port Sudan alluding to the implication of the Qatari government in these tribal conflicts.

Last Wednesday, Sudan’s Minister of Interior struck a cooperation agreement with his Eritrean counterpart during the recent visit of the Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok to Asmara on November.

According to the information minister, the two countries agreed to increase cooperation in the issues of combating smuggling, human trafficking and border issues between the two countries. Also, the Sudanese police training the Eritrean police in some sectors that he did not disclose.


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