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Sudan Tribune

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Govt, Darfur groups agree to involve stakeholders in Sudan peace process

Jeremiah Mamabolo (2nd R) poses with SRF leaders in Juba on 15 December (ST photo)
Jeremiah Mamabolo (2nd R) poses with SRF leaders in Juba on 15 December (ST photo)

December 18, 2019 (JUBA) – Transitional government and the Darfur groups of Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) Wednesday agreed to involve in the peace the representatives of stakeholders including displaced people, refugees.

The agreement was reached during a meeting attended by representatives of the groups of Darfur track and a delegation headed by Mohamed Hamdan Daglo who chairs the transitional government negotiating team.

Also participated in the meeting, the mediation and Darfur peacekeeping mission (UNAMID) which will transport the stakeholders and cover their stay in Juba during the talks.

Hadi who chaired the SRF delegation said that the parties agreed to form a committee to determine the stakeholders and determine the percentage of their participation and at which stage of negotiation they will participate.

“The joint committee will travel to Darfur to prepare for conferences or consultations on selecting the representatives of IDPs and refugees,” he said.

“After what a general conference will be held on 10 January, and then the date of their arrival in Juba will be determined,” he further said.

UNAMID officials held parallel discussions with the government and the armed groups on how to support the ongoing process and provide the necessary technical and logistical teams.

Also, several statements were issued by civil society groups calling to involve the stakeholders who do not feel represented by the armed groups.

South Sudanese Presidential Adviser and Head of the mediation team Tut Kew Gatluak said in a statement released Wednesday that the talks will be suspended on 24-25 for Christmas holidays and also on the first of January which coincides with the National day in Sudan and the new year celebrations.

The Darfur track will hold a meeting on Thursday to discuss the framework agreement on the cessation of hostilities and the humanitarian access.

On the talks with the SPLM-N led by Abdel Aziz al-Hilu, the mediation said they formed a committee to study the position papers by the armed group before formulating new proposals for the parties.

The SPLM-N al-Hilu demands that the self-determination of the Two Areas be included in the negotiations why the government delegation propose to refer the matter to the constitutional conference.


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