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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan’s NADAFA asks to join Sant Egidio brokered peace process

Hakim Dario, PDM leader
Hakim Dario, PDM leader

January 19, 2019 (KHARTOUM) – A South Sudanese opposition alliance, which rejects the revitalized peace agreement, has requested to join the Sant’Egidio brokered peace process

The National Alliance for Democracy And Freedom Action – South Sudan (NADAFA) welcomed in a statement extended to Sudan Tribune the Sant’egidio’s invitation to all non-signatories of the revitalized peace agreement to participate in an inclusive process to address the root causes of the conflict.

In a letter to Sant’Egidio on 18 January, NADAFA leader Hakim Dario expressed the interest of the four groups in his alliance to join the process brokered by the religious community underlining they were not informed of the invitation.

“I write on behalf of them all to register NADAFA’s interest and request admittance to participate and make representations in the political dialogue being fostered by Sant’Egidio over the course of the coming weeks in Rome, Itali, or elsewhere as the case may be”.

The NADFA is composed of Workers Party of Upper Nile (WPU), Federal Democratic Party (FDP), National Salvation Movement (NSM), and South Sudan United National Front (SSUNF). Also, it encompasses some civil society groups inside the country and abroad.

On 13 January, the South Sudanese government and South Sudan Opposition Movements Alliance (SSOMA) agreed to resume talks “under the auspices of Sant’Egidio in consultation with IGAD” to achieve an inclusive peace in the country.

The SSOMA includes the Real Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (R-SPLM), National Salvation Front (NAS). South Sudan United Front (SSUF) and the United Democratic Revolutionary Movement/Army (UNDRM/A), National Democratic Movement-PF (NDM-PF), and Sudan National Movement for Change (SSNMC).

In Juba, the government and the other peace partners are still at odds over the critical issue of the states’ number after achieving progress in the issue security arrangements.


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