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Sudan Tribune

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Europe supports Sudan for its interests: Borrell

March 3, 2020 (KHARTOUM) – The European Union is seriously committed to support democratic change in Sudan because Sudan’s political instability and economic failure will affect Europe also, said EU top diplomat.

Josep Borrell new EU foreign policy chief (L) shakes hand with Sudanese premier Abdallah Hamdok on 29 Feb 2020 (ST photo)
Josep Borrell new EU foreign policy chief (L) shakes hand with Sudanese premier Abdallah Hamdok on 29 Feb 2020 (ST photo)
During a two-day visit to Sudan on 29 February and 1 March 2020, Josep Borrell announced an additional €100 million to support the development of the transitional political period, and 30 million of humanitarian aid to the war-affected areas.

In a lecture at the University of Khartoum on Sunday 1 March, Borrell said the EU wants to be a partner with the transitional government achieve peace, democracy and sustainable development.

“But do not believe that this is because we are rich and generous. If we do that it is for our own interests,” he said, before add that the additional 100 million will serve for funding the social safety net programme to support vulnerable segments of the populations.

He emphasized if Europe does not help Sudan tp develop and to stabilise politically it will be negatively affected.

“So the help that we can provide to you is just a matter of defending our own interests, it is not just a matter of generosity, it is also building our future,” he stressed.

Despite the regime change in Sudan, Sudanese migrants continue to arrive in Europe. According to the UNHCR, about 245 Sudanese arrived in the continent by sea during the first two months of 2020.

The Spanish diplomat underlined the geostrategic position of Sudan and the role it can play to enhance regional stability.

Also; he pointed out to the growing demography in Sudan and its two sisterly neighbours Eritrea and Ethiopia.

“If you add the population of Ethiopia, Sudan and Eritrea, you have about 150 million people. Add a growth rate of 2 or 3 per cent or 4 per cent every year and you will see the demographic pressure that you can develop”.


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