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Sudan Tribune

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UN chief urges S. Sudanese leaders to implement peace deal

April 7, 2021 (JUBA) – The outgoing head of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), David Shearer has urged the country’s leaders to fully implement the revitalized peace agreement and hold elections so that communities can enjoy peace and prosperity.

Shearer has been the UN’s top envoy in South Sudan for four years.

“I urge the people and leaders of South Sudan to remain united and energized to push the peace process forward to fully implement the revitalized agreement and hold elections so communities across the country can finally enjoy true peace and prosperity,” he said.

Shearer said he was proud of the progress so far been made, including the ceasefire, peace deal, formation of a transitional Government and installation of local leaders in the states.

“I have so much admiration for the South Sudanese who I have enjoyed working alongside immensely. They are tough, resilient, and remarkably patient. I am inspired by their seemingly endless hope as they fight against huge odds to achieve the much brighter future they deserve,” explained the top UN official.

“I will miss this young country and wish it well from the bottom of my heart,” he stressed.

Shearer, however, said while important progress has been made, the peace process remains fragile and there is still much to be done, including picking up the pace on constitution-making, transitional justice, and economic reform.

He said courageous decisions needed to be made to unify the armed forces of all sides.

Meanwhile, the senior UN official paid tribute to UN agencies which have stood by South Sudan for many years and the almost 20,000 UN peacekeepers that are helping reduce violence and are bringing diverse communities together to reconcile and build peace.

“UNMISS is a stabilizing force that extends well beyond our physical presence. Our independent surveys have consistently shown that we are welcomed by nearly 80 percent of South Sudanese,” said Shearer.

He added, “We are fully committed to securing durable peace by working closely with all political parties alongside regional and international partners.”

UNMISS was established by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1996 (2011) on July 8, 2011.


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