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Sudan Tribune

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More Sudanese to benefit from cash support programme next June

A Sudanese beneficiary of family support programme (EU photo)

May 22, 2021 (KHARTOUM) – The Sudanese government announced the implementation of the second phase of the direct cash transfer programme in 10 states as of next June.

A Sudanese beneficiary of family support programme (EU photo)
A Sudanese beneficiary of family support programme (EU photo)
The Sudan Family Support Program aims to provide direct financial support to 80% of Sudanese people to soften the impact of hard economic reforms after the cancellation of commodity subsidies and the rise of bread, fuel and power prices.

“Preparations have been completed for the launch of the programme in 10 states in the first week of next June,” reads a statement released by the Ministry of Finance on Saturday.

The ministry added that the 10 states are: the Blue Nile, White Nile, North, East, West and Central Darfur, Sennar and North, South and West Kordofan.

Each family of six members will receive 30 dollars a month, approximately 13000 Sudanese Pounds.

This family support programme enjoys the support of over US$900 million from the international community. The Friends of Sudan pledged to give US$500 million, said Axel van Trotsenburg, World Bank Managing Director Operations during the Paris Conference on 17 May.

The Sudanese government said it transferred money to 182,248 families, in the states of Khartoum, Kassala and the Red Sea.

The remittance process would reach 414,000 families that completed their data.

Household registration is done through the national number document.


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