Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan govt reaches deal with opposition alliance

Al_Merghani.jpgCAIRO, Nov 1, 2004 (Xinhua) — The delegation of the Sudanese government Monday evening wrapped up the second round of talks with the opposition National Democratic Alliance (NDA) with wide-ranging agreements on constitutional, political and economic issues, said Federal Government Minister Nafie Ali Nafie.

Nafie, head of the government delegation, told a press conference after the talks that agreements have been reached on atleast 70 percent of the agenda under negotiation.

He said all political parties were welcome to participate in the talks for a new constitution representing wide interests of the nation.

The government would continue to have open discussions with theNDA before a rational and appropriate accord is reached, he added.

The two sides said in a statement released after the meeting that great progress has been made during the talks which have proceeded in a good atmosphere.

The four independent committees would report the agreements reached during the talks and the issues to be discussed to a jointsupreme committee, said the statement.

The two sides have agreed to resume talks on pending issues after the Muslim month of fast.

The government of Sudan and the opposition alliance started their second round of talks on Oct. 21. Both sides set up four independent committees, which negotiated on a 13-point agenda focusing on topics of constitutional, political and economic issues. The first round was held in August in Cairo.

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